How do deaf and blind people dream

Health related question in topics Psychology .We found some answers as below for this question “How do deaf and blind people dream”,you can compare them.

Studies have been done to see if blind people dream with visual images or not, but the results have been inconclusive. Go ChaCha! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How do deaf and blind people dream
Do Deaf-Blind people dream?
This specifically depends on when they became deaf and/or blind. They basically dream in the most vivid way they’ve ever seen or heard, so if they lost their sight and hearing in childhood, they would have visual AND auditory dreams (simult…
Do blind people dream? Do they see? What about deaf people? Do th…?
This is very good question actually. I called my grandpa who has actually been blind since an accident he had when he was 4 and asked him about it. He says that most of his dreams really dont consist of much but blurry blotchy images of fig…
Can blind people dream if so what do they see and can deaf people…?
Most researchers believe that people who are blind from birth or who become blind in infancy do not see in their dreams. They do not retain visual imagery because it was never acquired in the first place. However, those blinded in childhood…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

How does someone born both deaf and blind dream?
Q: I have heard that people born blind can hear dreams, and I presume people born death can see their dream. But what about someone who is born both blind and deaf? They would still have a physical sensation, so could they feel their dreams?
A: Dreams are simply manifestations of the mind, so anyone with a functional brain can have dreams. I haven’t encountered someone that is deaf and blind to ask if they can understand and interpret their dreams, but I would imagine that if they have a fully functional brain, besides the lack of sight and hearing, they could experience their dreams.
If person who is born blind dreams in audio what would a deaf and blind person dream in?
Q: I know that a blind person can only base their dreams on what they experience i.e. sound, touch and smell etc. But what if from birth a person was blind and deaf, what then would they dream in? Would it be simply down to touch and smell?
A: People who are born deaf dream in sign language. They also dream with touch and smell.
Do Deaf-Blind people dream?
Q: Do individuals who are deaf and blind have dreams? If they do, what do they expeirience in their dreams?
A: This specifically depends on when they became deaf and/or blind.They basically dream in the most vivid way they’ve ever seen or heard, so if they lost their sight and hearing in childhood, they would have visual AND auditory dreams (simultaneously), in the clarity of that of childhood.I imagine that if the poor soul was born both deaf and blind, their dreams would comprise of thoughts and physical sensations – possibly smells and tastes, as well.
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