How do I stop swearing

Health related question in topics Psychology .We found some answers as below for this question “How do I stop swearing”,you can compare them.

Try to find other words that describe what you mean rather than swearing. This may also help improve your vocabulary! ChaCha! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How do I stop swearing
・ 1 Admit that you have a problem with profanity. Swearing is a bad habit. Before you can stop swearing… ・ 2 Seek help for your problem. Inform someone who is close to you or someone whom you see very frequently… ・ 3 Set goals for yours…
・ Recognize that you have a problem. Swearing is a dangerous habit that leads to other outrageous behavioral… ・ Understand why you swear. Is it because you hang around with co-workers in a job nobody much enjoys and… ・ Know why you want…
It’s like any bad habit, you have to take it slowly. Be aware of it every day, at first it will seem hard but will become easier. Get friends and family to remind you every time you swear, and try to think before you speak. Eventually this …

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A: yes its bad for kids to hear, since he is your spouse , you should be able to talk open minded about him to him
How can I stop my friend from swearing so much?
Q: One of my best friends swears a lot. Almost every other word is a swear word. And the F word is in every sentence at least once, if not more.It didn’t bother me much, but now its getting really annoying. Shes a great friend, but has such a foul mouth. Plus even though she has a better grade-point-average than me, swearing so much makes her sound stupid.I’ve yelled at her before to stop swearing, but she took it as a joke.How can I get her to stop swearing so much? Its really annoying.
A: Just tell her the truth like say ((whatever her name is)) I think you should stop swearing all the time. It is bugging me and its not you, your a great student and a really great friend and it just doesnt make you cool. I mean say a swear like once a day I dont care but when you put it in every sentence it gets me annoyed!Hope this helps <33
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