How do you change your attitude at work

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Positive thinking helps with stress management and can even improve your health. ChaCha Again! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How do you change your attitude at work
How do I change my attitude at work?
Present yourself a positive and professional, agreeable and cooperative. Stay out of the personal backbiting. People are watching and taking note. I went from temp help to term employment to permanent by being the one everyone turned to wit…
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Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

How do I change my attitude at work?
Q: I don’t really mind my job, but I can’t stand the atmosphere I work in…it’s very competitive and people are argumentative, always trying to make others look bad or wrong. Also, I’m an agency employee and there’s a very bad attitude within the company about agency employees. I find it hard to be positive and not so bitter. Any suggestions?
A: Present yourself a positive and professional, agreeable and cooperative. Stay out of the personal backbiting. People are watching and taking note. I went from temp help to term employment to permanent by being the one everyone turned to with “just one quick little thing” all the time. Let your work and reliability speak for themselves; the people who count should eventually see through those who are climbing by badmouthing their colleagues. We all start somewhere. Take notes on what you won’t allow once you’re in middle management 10 years from now!
whats an easy way to to your boyfriend that if he doesnt change his attitude our relationship wont work?
A: There is no easy way to tell him. You just have to say it without yelling or attacking him so he will hopefully listen and take you seriously. If you make him feel “attacked” by telling him all the bad stuff he does then he will just get defensive and it will end up in an argument. Remind him of the things you do like about him and then proceed to tell him that you’re having a hard time dealing with what appears to be a poor attitude. Good Luck…it’s a tough thing to do!
What is best way to change your attitude to be more positive and not look at the bad side of everything?
A: This is very much a “personality” trait. It’s the “glass is half full or half empty” question. My husband and I are totally opposite. I’m an optimist and he’s a pessimist. I wish I knew how to change his attitude….if I did I WOULD. He says he can’t help it. As an “optimist” I don’t understand this statement. To me, if things look bad, then just find SOMETHING to hang on to, take a deep breath, and trudge forward. To my husband, everything is a crisis! Good luck, at least you are willing to TRY to change your attitude and be more positive. HEY, that’s a positive step right there! SMILE! Don’t you feel better already? : )
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