How do you pronounce Rorschach

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The Rorschach (pronounced “ror-shock”) has been popularized in films and books for decades, but people know very little about it. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How do you pronounce Rorschach
How do you pronounce Rorschach?
While in the book I think it comes off as “Raw-Shark” (look at the scene right before Rorschach visits Moloch the second time, with the detectives.) Merriam-Webster’s audio pronunciation deems it as “Roar-Shock”, and tha…
How do you prononce the name RORSCHACH from Watchmen??
ROAR-shack Hermann Rorschach was an early 20th century psychologist who invented the ink-blot test, now called the Rorschach test. I think in his native language (he’s Swiss) he pronounced it differently, but when we Americans say it, we pr…
Who is Rorschach?
Rorschach is a fictional comic book superhero featured in the acclaimed 1986 DC Comics miniseries Watchmen. Rorschach was created by Watchmen writer Alan Moore with artist Dave Gibbons, but as with most of the central characters in the seri…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Watchmen question – How do you pronounce Rorschach?
Q: I just recently started reading the Watchmen graphic novel, and this name trips me up every time! Does anyone know an accurate pronunciation? I’m going with Roar-skatch but I’m not sure that’s right. Thanks for the help. 🙂
A: While in the book I think it comes off as “Raw-Shark” (look at the scene right before Rorschach visits Moloch the second time, with the detectives.)Merriam-Webster’s audio pronunciation deems it as “Roar-Shock”, and that’s the one I go by.
How do you pronounce Rorschach?
A: Roar shock
Ok, seriously, how do you pronounce Rorschach?
Q: Raw-shak?Raw-shock?Ror-shack?
A: Here is an audio pronunciation of Rorschach…
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