How do you stop bein jealous

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With an objective inspection of how you react to your most guarded relationships,it is possible to gain maturity and control. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How do you stop bein jealous
How can i stop bein jealous?
Coming from a girl who been in this situation-you have to learn to trust her. I dated a guy once who chased all my male friends away. I had no intentions on cheating on him I just had a lot a male friends that I would hug. They were just li…
How can I stop bein so jealous?
honestly, i have the same problem. several diff things in life have made me not trust ppl so much, and my guy talks to several girls. i was so moody with him for a really long time because i felt like he was just with me cuz of my looks. so…
How can I stop bein jealous when my ex flirts with other girls in…?
The way your question reads, it really says,”How can I put out this fire while I’m still pouring gasoline on it?” You’re not over him, and you’re kidding yourself if you think you can be just friends at this point. If you ever wa…

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How can I stop bein jealous when my ex flirts with other girls in front of me?
Q: We broke up a long time ago back in August and I tried to get him back so many times then avoided him for a month because I thought he was getting with another girl and I couldn’t stand it, and now we are friends again. He confessed to me in February that he still likes me but I had to drag it out of him. Basically, i know now that he’ll never chnge so now I just want to be his friend with no complications. I’ll do my best to let him know I’m over him (or at least trying) but what do I do when he flirts with other girls? One in particular lately, grrr!!! Right in front of me too! We hang out every weekend and talk on the phone, I’m not gonna just avoid him. How do I control my jealousy? I don’t want him to know, and I don’t want to be jealous in the first place.
A: The way your question reads, it really says,”How can I put out this fire while I’m still pouring gasoline on it?”You’re not over him, and you’re kidding yourself if you think you can be just friends at this point. If you ever want to be just friends, you’re going to have to put some space between you and him for a long while and get something else or someone else going in your life. Good luck.
I’m a very jealous person. my boyfriend has a lot of girl friends…how can I stop bein so jealous?
Q: he is a ‘ladies man’ and I have a hard time trusting people enough as it is…I want to be okay with it but it’s really hard…it makes me mad when he is hanging out with other girls..because he is a big flirt & I believe he will become interested in some of these girls regardless if he is with me. I told him i was a jealous peron before we started going he would know what he was getting himself into..but he continues hanging out with these girls knowing I’m not going to be so happy about it. I hate being this way but at the same time i feel like i am justified, It’s just been always part of me to ‘own’ people and it’s just my personality. I know i sound like a crazy psycho controling bitch lol but I’m usually cool about things in general, it’s just one of my flaws is being jealous. I am wanting to learn how to just relax and be ok with it. Please help me thanks. 🙂
A: Jealousy is nothing but a lack of self confidence
how do i stop being jealous?? i seriously need HELP ?
Q: okay i mean jealous w/my boyfriend. i guess its like the #1 reason we fight!i really do try alot not to be jealous because i love him but omg wow sometimes i dont no wat gets into me and i begin to get either really sad or mad w/him if i see him like talk to another girl or mess w/her. i do trust him.. its just i dont like the fact that sometimes i have to see him somehow flirt w/another girl at school. or his “friends” it really distracts me in class, and i hate that!what should i do??? how do i overcome this?? I WANT TO STOP BEIN SO JEALOUS!! any advice…?
A: maybe you need a little more attention from him. Or better quality time. IDK
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