How do you stop having bad dreams

Health related question in topics Psychology .We found some answers as below for this question “How do you stop having bad dreams”,you can compare them.

Hypnotherapy and NLP are 2 forms of therapy that help you stop bad dreams. It takes about 2 or 3 sessions to be effective. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How do you stop having bad dreams
How can I stop having bad dreams?
this is all spiritual warfare, it is the devil trying to pull you away from God. this may be related to some people in your life, God says to bless those who persecute you. it is one of the hardest things ive ever done but it felt like a we…
Can you stop having bad dreams?
You need to become familiar with lucid dreaming. Learning to recognise that you are asleep and that you can change/control certain parts of your dream. You can fly away to freedom, kill the bad guy with a ray gun, change whats happening wit…
How do you stop having bad dreams at night?
wear a nigh guard to stop your teeth from being damaged. Do something relaxing before bed:warm bath, reading something light like a romance novel, aromatherapy…whatever soothes you. Yoga and calming tea works for me. I noticed that when I…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

How Can I Stop Having Bad Dreams ?
Q: Nearly every night, I have dreams. Some are good, and some aree neutral, but unfortunately, nearly most are bad. I’m sick and tired of having bad dreams ! How can I have a good one ?
A: Watch something funny before falling asleep. Do NOT watch scary movies. Drink warm milk to calm yourself before bed. Or take drowsy medication like bennadryl if you are really having trouble to sleep more soundly. Sweet Dreams!
How do you stop having bad dreams at night?
Q: My bad dreams aren’t nightmares, they are my daily life running through my head. I know that I am stressed out, but I honestly, won’t be able to do anything about it. I can’t change my work place that I hate so much and my personal life is a source of angst and unhappiness, which I can’t change either.WHAT CAN I DO SO THAT I DON’T DREAM ABOUT ALL OF MY STRESS? Please help! I’m now grinding my teeth too because of it and it hurts my jaw. =(Thank you everyone for your answers. It helps just to remember that there are helpful people like you all out there. =)Maybe that will help me sleep peacefully…at least tonight.
A: wear a nigh guard to stop your teeth from being damaged. Do something relaxing before bed:warm bath, reading something light like a romance novel, aromatherapy…whatever soothes you. Yoga and calming tea works for me. I noticed that when I practice yoga, I sleep more soundly. I drink calming tea from Yogi tea but I think any bed-time tea will work. If you have a lot of thoughts in your head, write them down. Keep a journal on your night-stand.
How can I stop from having bad dreams?
Q: I often have bad dreams, usually involving people chasing me or trying to kill me. Is there some way to make this stop? Can I eat something before I go to bed? Should I play soothing music in the background?
A: there is research that says that you should try facing your dreams as they occur, there is also something that talks about the way you sleep in what position, some say that if you sleep on the left you are more likely to have bad reoccuring dreams.this web site might help:
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