If in a dream where your falling if you hit the ground in the dream and die do you die in real life

Health related question in topics Psychology .We found some answers as below for this question “If in a dream where your falling if you hit the ground in the dream and die do you die in real life”,you can compare them.

Falling is one of the most common dreams. It’s not true that if you dream you are falling and you hit the ground you will die. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/if-in-a-dream-where-your-falling-if-you-hit-the-ground-in-the-dream-and-die-do-you-die-in-real-life ]
More Answers to “If in a dream where your falling if you hit the ground in the dream and die do you die in real life
When you dream about falling and you hit the ground do you die in…?
No. Your dream stops when you have no clue what it would be like to experience what happens next.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

when you have a dream that you are falling, if you hit the ground in your dream, then you die in real life?
A: well no cause i have had that dream once or twice
when you dream about falling and you hit the ground do you die in real life?
Q: someone told me this and was so sure this was true… is it?
A: No. Your dream stops when you have no clue what it would be like to experience what happens next.
if you dream that you are falling and actually hit the ground, will you die in real life??
Q: if you dream that you are falling and actually hit the ground, ive heard that you have a heart attack because your body reacts as if it would in reality.ummm okay it was just a myth that i couldnt find any material on, so i asked it on here…and before you call me a dumb ***, how about you take some english classes please!!! thanksto mister reginald l my question to you now being as you were so quick in answering the first is who my good sir is the bigger dummy… me for asking a dumb question or you for taking the time to answer it
A: The only way to know is for someone to tell you that they had that dream. But if you die in your sleep, you can’t wake up to make a report, so there is no way to answer this question. It is possible that a dream like that could cause someone at risk or on medication, to have a seizure or cardiac arrest while sleeping, and they can be inter-related. That is the only concrete answer I can give, with having studied and interviewed physicians and chemists (pharmacists).
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