What are examples of phobias

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Some of the most common phobias are: Arachnophobia, fear of spiders; Aerophobia, fear of flying; Agoraphobia, fear of open [MORE?] [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-examples-of-phobias ]
More Answers to “What are examples of phobias
What is an example of a phobia?
Atychiphobia or Kakorrhaphiophobia(The fear of failure). http://www.phobialist.com/reverse.html
Can anyone give me a good example of classical condtioning in rel…?
There was this one study about a baby called Alfie. Scientists wanted to see if they could condition him to be scared of a rat, however he wasn’t. So, they found out that he was scared of loud clanging noises; whenever they hit two metal ba…
Do you have special fears or phobias – bats, for example??
I was a bit of an odd kid actually; I liked scary movies; they were certainly my favourite kinds of movies and I enjoyed going walking in the woods at night time and walking down dark alleyways and things, just to purposely get the hair on …

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Can any help with an example of Phobias classical condition?
Q: Yes, I meant to say “classical conditioning” not condition.
A: waking up to bugs and being scared of them, then getting used to them over time isnt conditioning, its habituationConditioning would be like the pavlov’s dogs experiment where everytime a bell was rung the dogs would be presented with food and would salivate. when the food was removed and the bell was rung they would still salivate as they had been conditioned.so for a phobia of heights conditioning could be done through playing very calming music. Everytime the person was somehow involved with heights, they would be conditioned to remember the calming music and feel better..
Does anyone know which website I can learn about phobias?
Q: I don’t really want to KNOW about phobias; I just want a website where it shows a list of phobias and it’s meaning. For example, I want something like this:Monophobia – The fear of number 1.Biphobia – The fear of number 2.Except I want more than this though (not only the fear of some stupid numbers)… and I want a list of all the phobias that exist with the meaning next to it. Thank you!Thank you! I’ve been searching for something like this for 2 years!
A: www.phobialist.com
Can anyone give me a good example of classical condtioning in relation to phobias?
Q: Please and thank you?
A: There was this one study about a baby called Alfie. Scientists wanted to see if they could condition him to be scared of a rat, however he wasn’t. So, they found out that he was scared of loud clanging noises; whenever they hit two metal bars together he would cry and be distraught. So what they did was, whenever they put the rat near him they would bang the metal. In turn Alfie became scared of the rat as he became conditioned to recognise the rat with a loud bang.Hope that was of use. 🙂
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