What are some sleeping methods

Health related question in topics Psychology .We found some answers as below for this question “What are some sleeping methods”,you can compare them.

# Take a Warm Bath It’s a great way to relax your body. Don’t overdo it, however. You merely want to relax your body,…more? [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-some-sleeping-methods ]
More Answers to “What are some sleeping methods
What are some good sleeping methods?
Eat health food drink watter. don’t drink Any cokes 4 hours before u go lay down in bed don’t eat pizza or spaghetti that keeps you up and drink milk Right before you go to bed.keep ur bedroom dark and you can also try to listen to soft eas…
Does anyone have any good sleeping methods?
I slip a Seinfeld DVD in my player and press “play all” then I sleep to that. Works for me every time.
Are my sleeping methods bad and unhealthy?
That is very unhealthy. 7 1/2 – 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep is extremely important to be focused and on top of your game, especially if you are growing and in school.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What are some good sleeping methods?
Q: Hii. I’m going into Seventh grade this year. My school starts August 10th.Lately I’ve been staying up all night until about eight am, and sleeping through the day.When do you think I should start getting back on my sleeping schedule. (Go to bed at about 10:30, and get up and 6 am for school.)This week, next week, couple weeks from now?What are some good ways to fall asleep?
A: Honesly, you are going through a phase of puberty and maturity. Not to sound like a mom, but if you want to be tall, then get a lot of sleep! But to your question, I’d say a week before maybe even 3 days before is a good time to change it up. What I would do is pull the all nighter, on a Friday morning, then sleep till about noon. Force yourself to wake up no matter how tired you are and you should be knocked out by midnight of Friday and wake up around 10 a.m. Saturday. Make sure you do something to keep yourself busy Saturday, avoid staying in your room to make your body “know” that your room is just for sleeping. Try to get to bed on Saturday around 10-11 p.m. and wake up the following day around 7 but make sure you don’t have a full good nights sleep. Sunday night sleep you should be able to fall asleep around 9 then you can wake up just for school the following day.First day of school isn’t a big deal, you aren’t going to get much work, just a bunch of getting accustomed to class schedule and class syllabus.
What are some options for natural sleeping pills?
Q: My job is really stressful and I’m finding it hard to fall asleep– ESPECIALLY Sunday night. I don’t like taking medication, but I am open to “natural” sleep methods such as: tea, herbs, and some other practices. I don’t drink caffiene (no coffee, just rooibus tea each morning). I do yoga once or twice a week. I don’t watch tv, read, or work in my bed. My week is typical– no sudden time changes when I wake up or go to sleep. Nothing works!!! please help! I’m very open to alternative types of medication. and i hate warm milk.
A: Valerian”Valerian Root has been used as a sleep aid for over 1,000 years. Its ability to help relax the central nervous system, promote feelings of calm, decrease levels of anxiety and stress, and enhance sleep are known to millions the world over.”Most drug stores carry capsules for under $6
I can’t get to sleep but I’m really tired D: Does anyone have any good sleeping methods?
Q: I don’t have any sleeping pills or any other type of drugs that make me sleep. Please help
A: I slip a Seinfeld DVD in my player and press “play all” then I sleep to that. Works for me every time.
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