What are the most common fears of people

Health related question in topics Psychology .We found some answers as below for this question “What are the most common fears of people”,you can compare them.

Many people have a fear of public speaking. Speaking in front of others is one of the most common fears people have. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-the-most-common-fears-of-people ]
More Answers to “What are the most common fears of people
What is the most common phobia??
By a clear margin, public speaking is people’s biggest fear. According to ”The Book of Lists,” the fear of public speaking ranks number one – far above the fear of death and disease.
What are some common fears that people with ocd have??
Hey sam, its good to see your exploring this. There can be a great many fears associated with OCD. you can have a fear of just about anything. I’ve had fears of shadows, fears of moving vehicles, fears of dust in my carpet, (fears of rain),…
Is this common, how do people get over this fear, or can they??
I wouldn’t worry about it either. It would be abnormal at your stage as a premed to feel confident that you could cope with the death of a patient. All Med students and interns and residents confront these fears at some point during their…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What are some common fears that people with ocd have?
Q: i have ocd and im afraid of the rain but what other fears are there?
A: Hey sam, its good to see your exploring this. There can be a great many fears associated with OCD. you can have a fear of just about anything. I’ve had fears of shadows, fears of moving vehicles, fears of dust in my carpet, (fears of rain), and fears of bees, dogs, and rodents. I’m not as bad as Monk, but without my meds, i can get there. Keep asking these good questions.
what are the 3 most common fears people have?
A: In the united states it is:1) fear of a specific type of animal2) fear of heights3) and fear of bloodI imagine it greatly differs from one country to another.
What are the most common fears and concerns for someone leaving an addiction recovery house?
A: The biggest concern would be relapse. This is when the addict just goes back to their life as normal, and is still around the negative influences that existed before they went to treatment. A newly recovered addict should be educated on relapse prevention. Learn about relapse prevention here: http://www.ambrosiatreatmentcenter.com/relapse-prevention.php
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