What are the three levels of consciousness

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The three levels of human consciousness are: 1.Spontaneous 2.Calculated 3.Imposed They each have unique characteristics. ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-the-three-levels-of-consciousness ]
More Answers to “What are the three levels of consciousness
Are all conscious sedation patients ESI level 3 or higher??
Yes, conscious sedation is considered a complex procedure (two resources) and is generally performed with patients who also have laboratory tests or x-rays, and other procedures such as fracture reduction or dilation and curettage.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

According to Freud’s three levels of consciousness, the preconscious level deals with what?
Q: is the answer, thoughts, memories, fears or selfish needs?
A: The preconscious level deals with memories.The conscious deals with thoughts and the unconscious deals with the fears and selfish needs etc.
Do you think there are different levels to sub – consciousness?
Q: For example, as i type this, i literally spell each word out out in my mind. In the mean time, a deeper part of my mind focuses on whether anyone will understand what im trying to get across and in the meantime, there’s always the sub-concious parts of our mind that we cant necesarilly communicate with ourselves, but it exists. What im trying to get across is that, i believe there are atleast three different levels of thinking. Do you agree?
A: yes i agree. i also must see what is written for me to remember it because my sub-conscious is always thinking about other thing so i have to force my mind to remember by sight not hearing.
What is meant by a three – dimensional world?
Q: I am reading this book and it mentions a three dimensional world…Is it certain levels of consciousness???What we perceive???
A: Who know what New Age silliness you New Yorkers are reading these days 😉 but I’ll take a swing at this one.In general the term 3 dimensional means ‘real’ or ‘describing reality’ i.e, the real world has 3 dimensions. (excluding time of course) The term also means ‘of the appropriate complexity’. So a poorly written character in a story might be called 2 dimensional – i.e. a cartoon, where as a 3 dimensional character is someone you feel like you’ve met.A philosopher might accuse someone of not seeing the world in 3 dimensions. I.e. ‘you don’t know the whole story’ or ‘you’ve over simplified things’.
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