What are your dreams like

Health related question in topics Psychology .We found some answers as below for this question “What are your dreams like”,you can compare them.

Everyone’s dreams are different. They often reflect on emotions and real life. I don’t dream often. When I do, they’re vivid. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-your-dreams-like ]
More Answers to “What are your dreams like
Mostly when I dream, I’m watching it like a movie, but I’m also aware that I’m there. I can even control certain aspects of the dream, say I’m being chased by people who want to kill me (I dunno why I dream this) I have no control over the …
last night i dreamed that we adopted a two and a half year old boy. in the dream, he was related to us and his parents died, so we brought him into our family. although it was so sad that he had lost his parents, having this little boy join…
Half my dreams take place outside of prison. For a long time I had flashbacks on my childhood. Not so much anymore. I will tell you that for three years after the date of the killings, no night went by without dreaming of those events or of…

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A: I had a dream with 1st and so did my Mum that I was having a boy . I never found out through ultrasound and he was a boy ! I didnt dream with 2nd or 3rd and they were both girls ! I had a dream early on we had a boy and he was 5 months premature but weighed 8 pound !! I had a similar pregnancy with boys compared to the girls so after this dream I was sure I was having a boy and sure enough im 31 weeks with a boy 🙂 So YES my dreams were spot on , a bit weird but got the message across . Good Luck
Where are your goals and dreams bringing you?
Q: We all have different goals and dreams at different times in our life. Our goals and dreams change with time. Where are your goals and dreams bringing you at this time in your life? Are you happy with the goals and dreams you have right now or do you want to change them?
A: My personal goals are postponed. The only ones I have now are to get things paid so we have a house to live in and aren’t paying somebody else for a box to live in, to be more independent, and to keep my kids happy/normally lived as I can without lots of outside support.I’d love to finish college, but have to go very slow in some classes, and need help anyway. I’d love to have a business. These things will have to wait. Some say a man can do all by himself if he applies himself, others say you need helping hands. I would agree with the latter.
What is holding you back from accomplishing your dreams?
Q: What are some of your dreams and what seems to be keeping you from going for them? Do you have faith that you will reach your goals, fulfill your dreams one day?
A: I think I will achieve my dreams. But the things holding me back are: location, experience, and skills. Which is why I plan to go back to college, then move to pursue my dream.
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