What do dreams of cannibalism mean

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This dream may be reflective of dark, destructive and forbidden desires or obsessions. Cannibals literally consume other [MORE?] [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-do-dreams-of-cannibalism-mean ]
More Answers to “What do dreams of cannibalism mean
What does a dream about cannibalism mean when im the one being hu…?
so how often do you have this dream? any ways being the victim of canabalism usually means that some one is living off your efforts, or are taking advantage of you. and in your dreams it seems like you feel as though no matter where you go…
What does this dream about a cannibalistic black bird mean??
To dream of dead or dying birds, foretells a period of coming disappointments. You will find yourself worrying over problems that are constantly on your mind. To see a blackbird in your dream, signifies a lack of motivation. You are not uti…

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what does a dream about cannibalism mean when im the one being hunted and eatten? ?r=1244360353?
Q: I have this dream where my family (family members I’ve never seen before that i don’t have… like i have no brother but in the dream i do) is eaten alive by cannibals, then years later Im out with friends and we go places like on opposite ends of the Continent, places no one knows Im going, but no matter where i go the people who ate my family are there watching me… like a whole family just standing far enough off that i can see them but they don’t attach until the end of the dream, i fight back but ultimately im eaten alive at the top of a tall castle like stone tower… what is that supposed to mean?
A: so how often do you have this dream?any ways being the victim of canabalism usually means that some one is living off your efforts, or are taking advantage of you. and in your dreams it seems like you feel as though no matter where you go you can not rid yourself of these parasites. as for the extra siblings, and family members i really have no idea about.i am no dream expert so if any of my information is incorrect please feel free to correct me.
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