What do new born babies dream about

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Since newborn babies can’t communicate with us (except for crying) we can’t find out from them what they dream about. More? [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-do-new-born-babies-dream-about ]
More Answers to “What do new born babies dream about
What do new born babies dream about?
Presumably their experiences. While one might think that a newborn doesn’t *have* any experiences, studies show that they are sensing the world even before they were born. Babies can hear pretty well, even in the womb. They can also see *so…
What do newborn babies dream about?
I wish they could talk so we could ask them! I’ve wondered that too! Probably simple things, maybe being born. Maybe he smiles when he dreams about me breast feeding him or that cool new toy that lights up or something. Or maybe he’s smilin…
Do newborn babies dream? Why do they smile sometimes while sleepi…?
“New borns” It is hard to say what a new born dreams. We know for the past nine months they have been in their mother. Their they have heard voices and tasted new things. Now their out in the new world learning about their suround…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What new born babies dream about?
Q: They have no life experience, no memory… nothing. When I see them smiling while asleep, they must be dreaming of something good. Don’t you think?
A: boobs! all shapes, sizes and colors, floating above their little sleepy heads. LOL
What do new born babies dream about?
A: Presumably their experiences. While one might think that a newborn doesn’t *have* any experiences, studies show that they are sensing the world even before they were born. Babies can hear pretty well, even in the womb. They can also see *somewhat*–mostly shadow and light–through the mother’s abdomen. They sense the birth itself and even participate. And they see from the moment they are born. The younger the baby/child, the faster they are learning!!
What do new born babies dream of? And why does my 6-day old boy smile a lot while sleeping?
Q: He’s not even a week old, what could he possibly be smiling about? What does he dream?!?!?!
A: I think they dream about big boobs or bottles coming for them. What else to they have to use for experience?
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