What do you do to a friend who is depressed

Health related question in topics Relationships Dating Psychology .We found some answers as below for this question “What do you do to a friend who is depressed”,you can compare them.

If a friend shows many symptoms of depression, you can listen and encourage them to ask a parent or teacher about treatments. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-do-you-do-to-a-friend-who-is-depressed ]
More Answers to “What do you do to a friend who is depressed
You know that these school years can be complicated and demanding. Deep down, you are not quite sure of who you are, what you want to be, or whether the choices you make from day to day are the best decisions. Sometimes the many changes and…
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You know that these school years can be complicated and demanding. Deep down, you are not quite sure of whom you are, what you want to be, or whether the choices you make from day to day are the best decisions.

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What if you had a depressed friend who told you that they didn’t have any friends?
Q: Would you feel sorry for them because they are depressed and think they don’t have any friends, or would you feel insulted that they don’t even seem to consider you a friend?
A: I’d probably say “don’t I count, I really try to be your friend… want to talk about it” and then turn the conversation around to what’s up with them, and why do they feel that way. I’d ask what I could doWhat has been going on at homeWhen would be a good time to check back with them on their schedule.Depression is complicated.It can be caused by so many reasons, but if it continues on unrelenting, ask if they want someone to go with, to a therapist. Tell them, you’d be happy to wait while they are at an appointment, but don’t force the point.Depression can pass in some people but can be lasting with others.If they are on medications previously, it is not uncommon for a need for a change in medication. Tell your friend, you will be there for them, to be supportive in any way you can.But it is really up to them, to seek help. You cannot manipulate them to seek help.At a last resort, if need be, talk to one of their family, a parent, aunt, uncle or grandparent, a teacher or minister and tell them your friend needs their help.
How do I help a depressed friend who lives far away?
Q: My friend who lives in another city emailed me yesterday to say that she is getting treated for her depression. I know that she has been going through a rough time – with health problems, relationship issues, stress, etc – but didn’t realize that it has gotten so bad. I want to help her, but I don’t really know how. Most online resources talk about inviting your friend to do something or helping her with day-to-day chores. But because we live in totally different cities, it’s impossible for me to do those things. Does anyone have suggestions on what I can do to help her?Thanks!
A: a simple phone call can work wonders…remain positive and upbeat
Would you stick by a friend who is depressed?
Q: Would you stick by a friend who is depressed?Would there be a time limit?
A: well yeah! you don’t leave your friends in their time of need-you help in any way you can. think if it was the other way around. would you want your friends to leave you? think not.
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