What does it mean when you dream about dogs chasing you

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Dreams of being chased by dogs may mean that you are feeling insecure and vulnerable in your current circumstances. ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-does-it-mean-when-you-dream-about-dogs-chasing-you ]
More Answers to “What does it mean when you dream about dogs chasing you
What does it mean when you constantly dream about dogs chasing yo…?
Ive been told that when you dream of a dog chasing you it means that there’s someone else chasing after your boyfriend or boyfriend. i don’t know it does sound kind of silly but there’s got to be at least one theory right?
What does it mean when u dream a dog is chasing u??
well usually the imagery in dreams are metaphors for other things start with the dog whats a dog symbolize to you to me it symbolizes mans best friend so depending on the mood while running fearful/playful you probably are fear ing the devl…

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What does it mean to dream about dogs (big vicious dogs) chasing you and their owners (men) told them to?
Q: This is the 2nd time I have had this dreamAll the men are whiteThe dogs big, vicious and scaryI always hide in the back of a store in a basement/storage room.This is the first time I had my cell phone in the dream and this time I called the police asnd they all backed off(men and dogs)
A: Maybe it’s a premonition???Stay away from Men with Dogs!
What does it mean when u dream a dog is chasing u?
Q: I had a weird dream of my neighbor’s dog chasing me in my old house idk why that dog was in my dream & chasing me if it’s’ in my new neighborhood.???
A: well usually the imagery in dreams are metaphors for other things start with the dog whats a dog symbolize to you to me it symbolizes mans best friend so depending on the mood while running fearful/playful you probably are fear ing the devlopment of a new relationship.afraid of a current one . of even possibly ( if you were the dog (mans best friend not a put down) you could be chasing away your best friend also you could just be longing for a more exciting relationship from your signifigant otherin any case however it relates to your best friend and running from or chasing them p.s. im 20 years old and not a psychic or dreamreader but i have read some books on the subject im not an expertalso most often dreams are based on that which has concerned you on a regular basis in the past but have thought nothing about in the last day. so its kinda like getting over a fear then the next day having a nightmare about it
What does it mean if you dream of a dogs chasing you and one bites you?
A: i love them dreams when u wake wit abit of a fright
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