What does it mean when you have dreams about elevators

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You may feel that you are going up in the world. You may feel that destiny is working in your favor. Sweet dreams. Thanks ChaCha. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-does-it-mean-when-you-have-dreams-about-elevators ]
More Answers to “What does it mean when you have dreams about elevators
What does it mean when you dream about elevators?
I think a reoccurring dream is important and certainly interesting. I can guess that you are trying to raise yourself up to a position or job that will better your situation. It depends on the emotion attached to your dream. Does the elev…
What do weird elevators in dreams mean?
It’s possibly thoughts and memories , you go down to them then up then around , left / right . If you have a job where you deal with the public also it can reflect that sort of different person = different problem that has happened during t…
What does it mean to dream about being on an elevator??
Probably little or nothing. Dreams are only loosely capable of interpretation, and everyday occurrences are common in dreams.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What does it mean when you dream about elevators?
Q: I frequently dream about elevators and I have since I was in my early teens. Does this have some kind of significance? In my day-to-day life, I am rarely in a building with elevators, so it’s not a reflection of what I actually experience.
A: I think a reoccurring dream is important and certainly interesting. I can guess that you are trying to raise yourself up to a position or job that will better your situation.It depends on the emotion attached to your dream. Does the elevator have an effect on you? Are you scared to get on or are you puzzled by it? You can interpret your own vivid and reoccurring dreams yourself once you remember the way it makes you feel. Don’t let anyone tell you they know what your dream means because it belongs to you and you alone. If the shoe fits you’ll feel it!! @8-)
What does it mean when you have very vivid dreams about elevators? Getting stuck, not being able to get out,,,
Q: Also having to an elevator monitor watching your every move. Elevator falling several floors etc….I don’t use elevators at all in my daily routine….No Freud needed, lots of job stress lately though?
A: I have elevator dreams quite often myself. And I don’t use elevators in my everyday life either (I used to though). My dream is usually that the elevator is out of control – but it’s usually going UP. They are kind of scary, but not the worst ones I have. I found the following quote when I did a google search using “dream interpretation”. It sounds a bit bogus to me but there is a lot of stuff out there to look at. Good luck. (and let me know what you find out! :)”An elevator dream is a rather complex dream and you should interpret it in light of all the other symbols in your dream, for one thing, if the elevator is going up your fortunes will increase, down is the opposite. If the elevator continues to go up and down with out letting you off means you have let your emotions, or your situation, get out of control and must do something to stop it.”
Whooaaahh I always have dreams about elevators, and hotels. What does that mean?
Q: For the elevators, they usually arent like normal elevators. Last night I dreamt that it was like a big circular room that would rotate when it went up. Or a lot of the times the elevators are all sleek and silver looking and shoot up really fast, adn they usually end up really high up in the air. And sometimes its like I get lost in the hotels, or a lot of the times I end up on a balcony really high up. It’s so freaky! And I dream about hotels adn elevators allll the time!and these dreams have popped up for years and years, but now its so frequent
A: It seems that you aim high and the sky is the limit. However, hotels are a temporary place you get lost in. But I think if you stay focused you will achieve great success.
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