What does self confident mean

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The feeling of knowing that things will go well. Thanks for using ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-does-self-confident-mean ]
More Answers to “What does self confident mean
What does self-confident mean?
1. showing poise and confidence in your own worth
Does self-confidence mean anything?
That is hypicreitcal, but being self confident does have somthing. Think about it would you want to date a guy whos like “umm i want to… well. im not sure actually, mabey we should go to dine… actually what do you think? am i pu…
How can one deal with ignorant, self centered, over confident and…?
It doesn’t matter if there hot or not. It’s their additude’s that make them ugly as hell. You can be the biggest women in the world but if you know you look good & you dont care what people say then that make’s you the sexiest person on…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Does anyone here try to be self-confident depite the fact mean people call them strange and ugly?
Q: I DO!
A: yes i do i just say who cares about their opinion and say that they are just jelous and tell them to stop buggin me caus their the ones who are ugly and …….. why are they paying so much attention to you you must be pretty awesome to stop paying attention to them selves just to make you feel bad! beside strage is good you’re not the same as everyone else and you’re not a barbie like they are!!!
If someone says you are “diffident” what does it mean? Lacking self confidence or confident but not too loud?!
Q: Thank you!
A: Hesitant in acting or speaking through lack of self-confidence.Reserved, unassertive.Basically happy to sit back and let whatever happens, happen.
How can one deal with ignorant, self centered, over confident and just plain mean boys/girls?
Q: You know, those type of boys/girls who think they are “hot” and just like to pick on others, or just make your life a living nightmare, even though you have done absolutely nothing to them but live your life.How can you get them off your back, so you could be happy again?Oh! and by the way, Fordor of Chevy, you are nothing but a piece of decaying carcas. And by the looks of your picture i can c wat u mean by hot which is the code for UGLY!!!!!
A: either show them ur not to be messed around with, or keep ignoring them until they get bored of u and leave u alone on their own accord.
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