What emotion would you associate with the color green

Health related question in topics Psychology .We found some answers as below for this question “What emotion would you associate with the color green”,you can compare them.

The color green is associated with being powerful, safe, strong-willed, organized, impatient, demanding, and peaceful. ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-emotion-would-you-associate-with-the-color-green ]
More Answers to “What emotion would you associate with the color green
Why is the color green associated with jealousy?
Thats more associated with Mousavi, the good guy leader in Iran who went up against the bad guy Ahmindenejad.
How did jealousy and the color green become associated??
It has to do with the colour of the human aura. Only gifted people can see it and according to the degree of development of the soul the overall colour of the aura turns different colours: for eg. red for rage, and other emotions have diffe…
Why is the color green associated with saint patricks day?
St Patrick’s ministry was in Ireland, and Ireland is known for its green landscape.

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If colors are associated with emotions…like green envy, blue, sad, red, angry, black evil, white pure, then?
Q: what is yellow, organe, and brown????Why and how did colors become definations of moods or feelings?
A: Color psychology is a field of study devoted to analyzing the effect of color on human behavior and feeling, distinct from phototherapy (the use of ultraviolet light to cure infantile jaundice). It is important not to confuse color psychology with color symbolism. For example, symbolically, red may be used to denote danger, largely due to the fact that reds have the illusion of appearing nearer than other colors and, therefore have greater impact. In color psychology, on the other hand the colors of danger are yellow and black. In color symbolism, green denotes envy in many cultures, while in color psychology, it is associated with balance
a question about colors and emotions?
Q: If colors are associated with emotions…like green envy, blue, sad, red, angry, black evil, white pure, then?what is yellow, organe, and brown????Why and how did colors become definations of moods or feelings?
A: definitions of colors are subjective.I have heard the associations you list but for meGreen= growth, healing,regenerationBlue= ethereal, infinite, spiritRed= passion, love, solidityBlack= strength, unknownwhite= whole, clearYellow= wisdom, weightlessness, divineOrange= self worth, yellow( wisdom)+ red (love)Brown= grounded, trust, supportIf you are very interested in color there are many books about how color affects us. Fashion, interior decorating, art, science, religion….all these things center around the meanings and effects of color….I think they hold the secrets to the earthly realm.
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