What helps with memory

Health related question in topics Psychology .We found some answers as below for this question “What helps with memory”,you can compare them.

Brain exercises, sleep, B vitamins, antioxidants like vitamins C and E, and beta carotene, and Omega-3 fatty acids. ChaCha again! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-helps-with-memory ]
More Answers to “What helps with memory
What vitamins help with memory?
I have a Doctorate in Natural Health, and I owned a Health Food Store for years, as well as being a Natural Health Consultant for years. First, know your product. Don’t buy crap. In the vitamin industry, you get what you pay for. So, purcha…
Does music help memory.?
Yes… When I’m listening to music when I’m studying, remembering the song helps me remember the information. But that’s just me. Writing a song with all of the information in it helps to.. That’s how I passed my Spanish test and how I reme…
How can I help my memory?
Don’t expect to remember everything. In today’s busy world, we’re all overloaded with information. When necessary, use lists, calendars, reminders, and other memory aides. For example, write down appointments on your calendar and keep a lis…

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what kind of food that helps to improve our memory?
Q: i sometime have short-memory, which i find it difficult to study as i can’t remember everything i read especially the formulas. instead of medicines, what are some of the exercisers or food that may improve the human memory?
A: Food you’re eating maybe the cause of memory loss. Stop eating food with these ingredients/additives.MSG, Carmine, Sodium Nitrite, Aspartame, Acesulfame-K, Hydrogenated Vegetable Oil, Food Colorings, Potassium Bromate, BHA and BHT, and Propyl Gallate.Also, do crossword puzzle and brain teasers
66 year old man with short term memory loss, is this a sign of the onset of dementia or alzheimer? What helps?
Q: What can he do to improve his situation of short term memory loss?
A: Actually the answer is no. Many people when they start to experience symptoms such as these automatically think of these disorders. The major cause of short term memory loss is stress and a health issue ( from mild to severe, usually mild). Whoever this is have a full check by the doctor and insist on a full blood check. One of the ways to deal with this once a physical cause is ruled out is to do brain training and improvement games, hobbies or join a group of people with similar likes or excercise (start with gentle walk, gardening etc). Also definitly find some way to lower stress.As with any part of your body and mind if you do not use it you will lose the function as you age.
Which Yoga Pranayam helps to improve Concentration and Memory and also to reduce sexual urge ?
Q: I wanna know the pranayam about brain and i have heard that likewise anulomvilom pranayam if we breathe only with left nostril it will help to reduce sexual urge and if only with right it helps to increase it,tell more about it
A: Bhramri pranaayam is very good for the brain, also since its about chanting Aum it will also be very effective especially for controlling lower/ unwanted urges. It is also a very simple one. Yes, anulom vilom is said to be good too for controlling and balancing emotions , urges etc
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