What In psychology, what is a correlational study

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Correlational (sometimes called ecologic) studies explore the statistical connection between disease in different population MORE [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-in-psychology%2C-what-is-a-correlational-study ]
More Answers to “What In psychology, what is a correlational study
Can a research study in psychology be both correlational and quas…?
I believe so. The experiment may not meet the formal requirements for conforming to the scientific process, but correlations, or strong relationships between entities, can still be discerned and documented.
Where can i find psychology journals/articles that shows correlat…?
There are databases that catalogue academic journals. Generally, a person has to subscribe to them to have access. You should be able to search on those those through your college or university library, they usually subscribe to them. Cool….
Can anyone explain a correlation study (psychology) in layman’s t…?
It is a study designed to examine two variables (two things the researchers are “watching”) and see what relationship they can find. For instance, say a researcher is interested in the effect of heat on crime statistics. They woul…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

where can i find psychology journals/articles that shows correlational study?
Q: like for example, the study is about how swimming speed significantly related to running speed?but it should be psychology related..
A: There are databases that catalogue academic journals. Generally, a person has to subscribe to them to have access. You should be able to search on those those through your college or university library, they usually subscribe to them. Cool. When I was in school, you had to subscribe. This one looks like it’s free: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/You might have to pay for specific articles, but you can search for free. The hard part is finding the right search terms. And there may be no article or research that specifically looks at your question. If all else fails, talk to a librarian.
Can a research study in psychology be both correlational and quasi-experimental? What’s the difference?
A: I believe so. The experiment may not meet the formal requirements for conforming to the scientific process, but correlations, or strong relationships between entities, can still be discerned and documented.
anyone know anything about correlational studies(psychology) PLEASE HELP?
Q: What are the benefits and disadvantages about correlational study? please help!greatly appreciated!if any other information you know about correlational study, that would be greatly appreciated as well
A: I’d help you out but you could be one of the students to whom I assigned this question today. There are plenty of resources on line – go ahead and find them. Or – here’s an idea… READ the chapter!! (gasp)
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