What is a dream you dream while you are sleep

Health related question in topics Psychology .We found some answers as below for this question “What is a dream you dream while you are sleep”,you can compare them.

Dream (n.) a succession of images, thoughts, or emotions passing through the mind during sleep. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-a-dream-you-dream-while-you-are-sleep ]
More Answers to “What is a dream you dream while you are sleep
Why do we dream while we sleep?
Dreams are the result of your brain re-arranging memories into a more efficient form of storage. Sort of like defragmenting your computer disk. Or maybe it’s the transfer of memory from short-term memory to long-term memory. While your brai…
Does everyone dream while they’re sleeping?
How Many Times Does A Human Dream While Sleeping? ・ Everyone dreams while they are sleeping but not everybody remembers it, so if people tell you they don’t … ・ Yes, but not everyone remembers them when they wake up. ・ Humans dream every…
What did you dream when you ate a spider while sleeping??
I’m not sure how someone could sleep with a spider in their mouths for one thing. And live to tell about it is a whole new kettle of fish.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Why cant i dream while sleeping?
Q: When i was like 6, i had nightmares while sleeping so i followed an advice to try to sleep and dream nothing (blank, black, nothing at all). Im 18 now and i rarely dream while sleeping. I dream around 1 time a month. It is really annoying to have no dreams… Why cant i dream?
A: You are always dreaming/ have always dreamed while sleeping, you just don’t remember them when you wake up – it’s common!
Why do people have dreams and other don’t dream while they sleep?
Q: and how do i make myself dream about something? like being chased by an axe murderer?
A: People don’t dream unless they are in the REM state of sleep (deep) maybe you are not sleeping long enough.Try staying in bed as long as you can and sleep as long as you can, Some people can try thinking about what they would like to dream about while they are falling asleep, but this works with varying success.
Is there any way to make a dream while you sleep reappear?
Q: I had a wonderful dream and I want to see it again. Is there any possible way to make me see that dream again?
A: This kind of dream where you know youre dreaming and can alter it to a previous dream is called lucid dreaming. I think the likely hood of you actually dreaming this dream without trying to is small, unless you think about it all the time, and especially right before you go to bed. Otherwise, you would have to wait until you could control your dreams then think about that one dream.
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