What is a good way to overcome your shyness

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The results of a recent survey are shaking up our ideas about shyness and pointing to a surprising new approach for More? [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-a-good-way-to-overcome-your-shyness ]
More Answers to “What is a good way to overcome your shyness
What is the best way to overcome shyness?
I was the shyest person you’d ever met. I couldn’t look anyone in the eye and would be uncomfortable in crowds. I was soft spoken and often got my order wrong in restaurant’s. I stayed home alot as a teen. I read. I never thought I could ge…
Is there a way to overcome my shyness?
Oh, I am the same way. Whenever I have to talk in front of a group of people (whether it be friends, classmates, etc) I freak out. I think the only way for you to get over that… Well, you could do one of two things. You could “decond…
Is bartending a good way to overcome shyness?
bartending is a job, shyness is a mental state. You have to figure out, what it is that makes you feel that way, and deal with it. Trying to force yourself into something you may not be ready for could lead to complete failure, and distrust…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

is this a good way to start trying to overcome shyness?
Q: i’ve always been extremely nervous to walk out of the house and go somewhere alone because i’m scared of what people might think. and i’ve been scared of talking to people. do u think that if i get out of the house by myself more often, and maybe even start ordering food from subway and places like that more often, i could get used to talking to people and overcome some of my shyness?
A: What you have described is not shyness. A shy person might feel very uncomfortable talking to someone; or interacting with someone. They sometime feel very comfortable being alone, inside or outside the home. You must first understand why you feel anxious when you go outside. You have the beginning sings of agoraphoia. How often do you go outside? Do you work from home? Is it easier to outside at night or during the morning? Do you feel safer if you are accompanied by a friend or relative? These are some questions a therapist would ask to get to the root of your problem. It sounds like you might be suffering from an anxiety disorder.
Is bartending a good way to overcome shyness?
Q: actually i’d like to ask actual bartenders this question. i’m thinking of going to bartending school mainly to learn how to be more social. can this be a big help?
A: bartending is a job, shyness is a mental state. You have to figure out, what it is that makes you feel that way, and deal with it. Trying to force yourself into something you may not be ready for could lead to complete failure, and distrust for life.If you are afraid of what people think about you, forget it, they have so many hang ups about their selves, they find it easier to throw it at someone they don’t know.If your ashamed of what you look like, who the hell cares? Go outside, sit on th stoop, and watch people who walk by, take a look at them, a good look, and see if you see anyone who looks perfect. The answer will always be no, we all have our flaws.If your afraid of being told no, guess what your not alone, nearly 98% of people are afraid of that word, but you know what? It has never killed anyone! It may hurt from a minute, but you get over it, and move on.Get to work on finding out what is making you shy, and conquer it yourself.
What is the best way to overcome shyness?
Q: What is the best way to overcome shyness?
A: I think you need to change your “mind” re-programm your way of thinkin’ . People that are shy are worried about the opinion that the rest of the people will have about them. Shy people need to believe in them selves havin’ a high opinion of who they are, showin’ security in them selves and not afraid when they meet people. Who cares if they don’t like you? you need to be you anywhere and everywhere. I would way to dare to do things is thinking: “what could be the worst thing to happened if I do this ______? “and sometimes you noticed is not a big deal if you fail.Good Luck!
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