What is a negative emotion

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Negative emotions express an attempt or intention to exclude, strengthening one’s own position at the expense of others. ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-a-negative-emotion ]
More Answers to “What is a negative emotion
What is a negative emotion?
Though Tolle contends that the emotion creates the disruption of the energy flow and Gary Craig contends in his Discovery Statement that “The cause of all negative emotion is a disruption in the body’s energy system”, I say mox nix.  The im…
How To Deal With Negative Emotions
Negative emotions sap your energy and undermine your effectiveness. In the negative emotional state, you find the lack of desire to do anything. The mind is filled with thoughts of fear, doubts and insecurities. Your body experiences fatigu…
Are negative emotions holding you back
Negative emotions go much deeper than what is expressed and seen on the outside of us. If one is unhappy, in their life, their surroundings, or in a particular situation, there is most often something that causes negativity to surface into …

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Christians, is it easier or harder to think of your faith when you experience intense negative emotion?
Q: Does your faith comfort you, or do you only remember God after you’ve already exhausted your negative emotions?
A: I’m not sure how to put this into words… My faith doesn’t really work that way. It’s part of who I am, and I don’t experience the kind of disconnect you seem to be speaking about. My moment to moment experience is lived in the presence of God. It’s not a feeling, but something else. I guess it’s like walking in the sunshine, I’m aware of the Sun not by looking at it, but by seeing what it illumines. Just my incoherent ramblings
Is shame a positive or negative emotion?
Q: Shame can prevent us from engaging in destructive activity. But it can also cause us to feel depressed and lower our self-esteem. If you could, would you get rid of shame altogether, or do you think it’s a valuable emotion?
A: It is positive to have shame…if you are shameless then you have no sense not to go about nude, or having sex with whomever or whatever you please. You’d do crimes. You’d do whatever came to mind with no filter of right and wrong.To feel ashamed is negative, you feel badly for something you’ve done wrong.But to have shame is to strive to do right and keep doing right.Murderers and rapists who feel no remorse have no shame.
What negative emotion do you feel most often?
Q: Mine is anger. I deal with it by weightlifting and doing intense cardio, which mellows me out.What’s yours and how are you dealing with it?
A: Worry. I just try and stay in the here and now whenever I catch myself doing it. When my thoughts start obsessing about worries I usually repeat something to myself along the lines of “Yes, that would be scarey, but that’s not happening RIGHT NOW, so I’m not going to worry about it anymore.”. Sometimes, it’s more effective than others.
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