What is an easy way to have lucid dreams

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The main prerequisite for having lucid dreams is above average dream recall. Although it may at first not seem like it, (MORE?) [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-an-easy-way-to-have-lucid-dreams ]
More Answers to “What is an easy way to have lucid dreams
What Is The Easiest Way For Me To Have A Lucid Dream??
Lucid dreams tend to occur randomly. The thing is, if you pressure your brain to have a lucid dream, you will not have one. Try as you may to trick your brain (that is your conscious mind at work), and your subconscious will do the opposite…
Is there an easy way to have lucid dreams?
Go to any book store and buy Stephen LaBerge’s book (it also comes with a CD). The book’s title is “Lucid Dreaming.” He has a Ph.D. in psychophysiology from Stanford University. He does serious research in the area of lucid dreami…
Is there a easy way to make yourself lucid dream?
No, there is not really any easy way to induce lucid dreams, in the sense that there is no foolproof techniques out there. Not even lucid dreaming masks, like the Novadreamer, are not guaranteed to give you lucid dreams. Some people just ha…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Is there an easy way to have lucid dreams?
Q: I kind of wish I could just follow a simple set of instructions that would make sure I have lucid dreams
A: before you go to sleep write on a paper i will have lucid dreams and focus on your desire to have these dreams as you fall asleep try it it has worked for many people
Is There An Easy Way To Control (or get back to a previous one) Dreams) I know About Lucid Dreaming.. But..?
Q: I know about lucid dreaming but i want to know exactly how to do it… it sounds fun!
A: There are several websites that explain a general process of how to control your dreams. Don’t expect to start lucid dreaming right away, it is actually a rather long process that involves a little effort on your part.I would start keeping a dream diary. Write thing down that reoccur in your dreams or things that set them apart from real life. These could be settings, people, or situations. Start to memorize that list. The idea is that when you see anyone of these things in a dream, you will realize that you are dreaming and you will be able to control what you dream.It worked for me!
Is there an easy and effective way of inducing a lucid dream?
Q: I always fail on it, i dont even remember what my dream was.
A: Right… there are two routes to taking control of your dreams effectively, and they’re not mutually exclusive.I tend to refer to them as the sensible route and the desperate route. The desperate route is one I found through nightmares. I would find myself in a truly unpleasant situation in the dreamscape… and I would think the rather critical question: Am I in control? … Rather than think of the situation itself as a specific and give in to standard fight or flight… I would stop, and typically realise rather quickly that I wasn’t in control… From there, I would forcibly try to make my body (in the dreamscape) take irrational or impossible actions. Quite often, waking up would follow quite closely after realising that I wasn’t in control… but with practice I learnt that I could stay in the nightmare and ‘resolve’ it rather than merely escaping from it. For instance, I used to have a lot of strange dreams about flesh-eating maggots… so rather than running away or stepping on them, when I realised I wasn’t in control I concentrated on becoming incorporeal… so they would go right through me. Typically, if you force your will on the dreamscape rather than trying to force your dream body itself, it will do as you want… and it only becomes easier after that. Then theres the sensible way, which quite often can be rather shorter. It involves being able to remember a few non-lucid dreams though…. The key point is to find something that the dreams have in common with each other but NOT with the waking world…. and then focusing on that aspect and connecting it mentally to awareness of the dreamscape itself. However… its worth noting that if you connect this aspect to the notion of “I’m asleep and not really here”, then it will likely make you wake up rather than lucid-dream. If you disconnect any concepts of the dreamscape itself from your sleeping body and the waking world, and yet simply use it to acknowledge that you’re in the dreamscape and that it uses a different set of rules (e.g. that making your arm move in a certain direction can’t be done by sending impulses down the same nerves, and needs to be directly willed by the conscious mind to deviate from its freeflow programming) then it can become a fairly simple matter (with familiarity) to take control of your own actions in the dream.Just remember… as chaotic as the dreamscape might seem, it is shaped by your own will… mostly subconscious, but with control comes conscious shaping. There are rules to follow… but with the right understanding you can change those rules… reshape them. That is quite probably why my dreamscape personae (don’t make me explain the plural) are telekinetic by default.
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