What is it called when you fall in love with your kidnapper

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It is called “Stockholm Syndrome” when the kidnapped falls in love with their kidnapper. Thanks for using ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-it-called-when-you-fall-in-love-with-your-kidnapper ]
More Answers to “What is it called when you fall in love with your kidnapper
What do you call it when the hostage falls in the love with her k…?
And the classic psychological term for it as a defense mechanism is “identification” or “identification with the aggressor.”

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what do you call it when the hostage falls in the love with her kidnapper?
Q: i know there’s a word for it i read it somewhere it’s at the tip of my tongue!can you help me out??THANKS!
A: And the classic psychological term for it as a defense mechanism is “identification” or “identification with the aggressor.”
Why did Jaycee Dugard fall in love with her creepy captor? She never tried to escape & even misses him now?
Q: She had access to the phone, email and her picture was on every business card to promote her budding dreams of being a model. Yet she fell totally in love with him and misses him now that he’s in jail and she’s free at last. He kidnapped her at 11, raped her, fathered 2 kids, kept her in a shed and yet she’s still in love with him. Same thing happened to a guy called Sean who was kidnapped, sexually abused and even prostituted to others but he stayed on with the kidnapper despite often meeting cops on his own and even cycling past his parent’s house and looking them up online. What happens to these people? I also read there was some rich heir who joined the group that kidnapped her and robbed a bank!!!I know about Stockholm Syndrome, I’m curious if anyone has an original explanation or take on it. Geez! And yes it has a lot to do with spirituality …. only some people are too ignorant to understand the link.
A: It’s a defense mechanism. Think about the phrase, “if you can’t beat ’em, join ’em.” The victim is powerless to change their situation, unable to escape, totally dependent on the captor for her very survival. In such a situation, the notion that one’s captor is an evil and non-trustworthy person would create a level of anxiety and terror that is damaging to the psyche to maintain over an extended period of time. As such, sometimes victims who are vulnerable and isolated from outside contact begin to develop an affection for their captor after enough time has passed, both because the captor is providing the victim with the means to survive and because believing that the captor is a worthwhile person who cares about her and has her best interests at heart creates less psychological stress than being in constant terror for her life. The fact that the captor is the only person with whom the victim interacts (and therefore the only person that the victim has the opportunity to identify with) may come into play as well. After enough time once this “bond” has been established, the physical control the captor exerts can be relaxed, because the psychological control is strong enough to do the job on its own.
I’m looking for this romance novel?
Q: I can’t remember who wrote the book or what it is called. It’s set in Regency (I assume) and the main male is a duke (I’m 95% sure). He gets threatened and imposes on a local country gentry to hire him as a someone to “help” with the horses. The gentry’s daughter doesn’t like him but they find themselves attracted and basically the duke gets the daughter pregnant. I remember the scene where he’s taking a bath in a pond (or something like it) and she punches him. They elope to Scotland but get kidnapped. The kidnapper falls in love with the girl, but lets them go on. That’s pretty much all I remember. I am also fairly certain that the duke? is in hiding because of something he did to a woman. Or he didn’t do something that he was supposed to. I think he jilted her though.Anyway, any help would be appreciated.Thanks!
A: You are looking for Man of my Dreams by Johanna Lindsay. the man who kidnaps them has his own story in Love me Forever.
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