What is it called when you fear spiders

Health related question in topics Psychology .We found some answers as below for this question “What is it called when you fear spiders”,you can compare them.

Arachnophobia is defined as an inordinate fear of spiders. It can be triggered by the thought of or even a picture of a spider. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-it-called-when-you-fear-spiders ]
More Answers to “What is it called when you fear spiders
What is a fear of spiders called?
Arachnophobia lol, that’s the third spider question, I don’t mind answering but you would be better off reading about spiders in wikipedia.
Innate fear of spiders, innate hatred of Indian call centres – wh…?
I suspect the problem with call centres is that most are so awful at actually getting you the right answer or sorting the problem, they’ve become looked upon as worse than the taxman. If you want a psychological explanation – it’s most like…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

what is a fear of spiders called?
Q: please help…please dont post unless your 100% sure
A: Arachnophobialol, that’s the third spider question, I don’t mind answering but you would be better off reading about spiders in wikipedia.
Whats the fear of spiders called?
A: Arachnophobia
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Q: It’s an actual word, and an actual fear. you know, like arachnaphobia, the fear of spiders. I think it starts with an O, but im not sure about that…
A: Coimetrophobia is the fear of pumpkins Apocolocynposis is the fear of turning into a pumpkin
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