What is systematic desensitization

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Behavior therapy 4 eliminating phobias or anxieties patient & therapist list imagined scenes ranked from least to most anxiety patient is trained in deep muscle relaxation & asked to imagine the presence of the least anxiety scene until the patient is relaxed [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-systematic-desensitization ]
More Answers to “What is systematic desensitization
Systematic desensitization is a technique used to treat phobias and other extreme or erroneous fears based on principles of behavior modification .
Not so much a positive reinforcement as a conditioning to exposure. Repeated introduction creates a normalcy. Taking away from the imagined expectation of exaggerated outcomes. More or less a lesson of what really happens or what really is …
Systematic desensitization is a technique which is used to help people manage and eventually conquer phobias. It can be performed by a psychologist or psychotherapist or by a patient who is willing to invest energy in doing systematic desen…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

what are the pros and cons to systematic desensitization for phobias?
Q: Pros and cons of systematic desensitization? Do any of you feel this treatement is an effective approach? Why or why not?
A: anything we do not learn and apply for ourselves becomes a crutch as in the argument about sleeping pills we need pills to lay us down and get us up now we need pills for erection depression etc you have to confront your fears and overcome for yourself that is the only way to remain in control of your own emotional well being
What is the danger of using exposure therapy without systematic desensitization?
Q: What is the danger of using exposure therapy without systematic desensitization?
A: Exposure therapy is when you expose the patient/client to the thing they are afraid of. Systematic desensitization is a form of exposure therapy in which you expose patient/client to the thing they are afraid of and get them to relax when it becomes too rough (making them anxious). If you merely expose patient/client to the thing they are afraid of, and don’t let them relax or back out of it, it can make one go crazy, become more afraid, and result in not going back to the therapy ( therapy-phobia lol) . For example, if one is afraid of height, and you have them wear one of those settings projection virtue eye-glasses where when they wear it is like they are standing at a really place, and if you don’t let them withdraw out of that from time to time, the anxiety may be too much for them. The purpose of systematic desensitization is to help patient cope with their fears at a reasonable pace. Cheers.
Crossword clue: Version of systematic desensitization carried out in a real-life situation?
Q: Need a answer for this crossword clue Version of systematic desensitization carried out in a real-life situation Answer is (2-4) letters longYes i know its stupid….I’ll show how its set out16. Version of systematic desensitization carried out in a real-life situation (2-4)There is 6 spaces so i guess its 2 wordsi think i’ve got it,… in,vivo would this be correct?
A: In vivo certainly applies to the last part of the clue. Well done.
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