What is the best to control anger

Health related question in topics Psychology .We found some answers as below for this question “What is the best to control anger”,you can compare them.

Take a time out if someone gets too upset. Try counting slowly backwards from 20. ChaCha again! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-the-best-to-control-anger ]
More Answers to “What is the best to control anger
What is the best way to control anger?
Anger is a human emotion that is necessary for survival. It’s not bad to feel angry, but it can be bad in the way you express your anger. You have to go to anger management classes sad to say and you might need some counciling too. There is…
Which is the best way to control Anger?
Options: Take a couple of deep breaths; fill the lower part of your lungs first, THEN the chest. If you can’t deal with it by using one of the techniques, such as counting backwards from 20, to 1, (and prevent you from allowing yourself t…
How should a man best control his anger?
You have a choice. Go ahead and be angry once, but if it has a certain unpleasant result and you keep doing it, that’s your fault, not anybody else’s. Remember, too, I had my unfortunate business involving a 2-iron and a windshield, which I…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What are the best ways to control Anger?
A: Remove yourself from the situation until you cool down.Take a deep breath and count to ten.Work on developing more understanding and compassion for others, because after all, we all make mistakes, or are jerks at times. We are all growing and we can only be where we are at the time. An imature person cannot suddenly be mature… we all have to take our growth one step at a time — sometimes one painful step at a time.When things go wrong, instead of doing a knee-jerk reaction, ask yourself, “What is life trying to teach me here? What lesson can I learn from this? How can I use this to become wiser and better?” Study Zen and ask yourself, “Why did I bring this lesson to myself?”Use affirmations and visualization. Here are some about anger management:http://www.angermanagement.com.au/positive_affirmations.html
What is the best way to control your anger?
Q: My husband and I have a problem in our marriage. Therefore, we have been jumping down everybody’s throat for no reason at all. Last night, we got into an argument. The end results was a chair got smashed and a window got broke. What is the best way to control our anger? We both have a hot temper.
A: if youre going to argue…do it while having sex. (shrugs)
whats the best way to control anger?
Q: its really tough to handle yourself when you are angered…what do u do to control your anger at that moment?
A: I used to say… fighting… throwing things… etc…But lately I have realized that if you can find some way to make yourself laugh (and its hard to WANT to laugh when you are pissed off, but…) You can over come most anger.I have been so mad I have been in tears and wanting so bad to hit something… and realize how silly I am for crying over it and start laughing… it really helps lighten the anger.
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