What is the closest feeling to death

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It depends on someone’s opinion, but some feel that taking a bad mix of pills. Thanks for using ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-the-closest-feeling-to-death ]
More Answers to “What is the closest feeling to death
Do you think its true some people can feel death close?
unless you have a mind time machine i dont think so,but im the wrong person to ask,im all science and sense. so my answer,NO unless your like in one of the saw4(movie) situation…id feel death REALLY CLOSE!
How does it feel to die? Anyone had a close encounter??
We never even realise when we are falling asleep and we still retain low levels of consciousness then. How in the world are we supposed to experience death if all types of consciousness are fading completely?
Is it normal to feel a fear of death after losing someone really …?
I lost my brother too! He was one year older than me and we were almost like twins. I miss him. It’s been over 10 years now and it is hard for me to think about because the pain is fresh, but “time” has helped. About fearing other…

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Do you think its true some people can feel death close?
Q: I was wondering about that like maybe some get a premonition or just a feeling anyone??
A: unless you have a mind time machine i dont think so,but im the wrong person to ask,im all science and sense.so my answer,NOunless your like in one of the saw4(movie) situation…id feel death REALLY CLOSE!
Is feeling very numb after the death of a close relative normal?
Q: I’ve felt no emotions after the death of my grandfather, no sadness, no sense of loss, no empathy for anyone else in the family… just simply nothing. Is this normal, has anyone experienced this numbness to death?
A: Yes, this can be a very normal part of the grieving process. It’s a wall you put up to try to isolate yourself from it when you aren’t yet ready to deal with it. I suspect with time, that wall will crumble, and you will start to feel some emotion. But “going numb” is not at all abnormal. It’s a natural reaction to try to isolate oneself from emotional pain.I’m sorry to hear about the loss of your grandfather, and I hope this answer reassures you that there is nothing wrong with feeling numb shortly after a traumatic loss. And that it can be a very natural defense mechanism.
Whats the closest anime series like death note?
Q: I just finished watching death note and i am seriously hooked on it now. I need something else to watch thats like death note, meaning it has the same feeling as it. I loved how the whole show was like a chess match and the characters were so awesome. So whats another good series thats like death note?
A: I haven’t seen another anime that features the same kind of interplay you find between Kira and L. I have found a few that feature what I call “plotting protagonists”:* Code Geass* Spice and WolfAlso, ‘Akagi’ features a guy that makes you think “wow, this guy is a badass” in a similar way to how you think about Light.
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