What is the fear of talking to girls

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Selective mutism is the name for when someone is afraid of talking at certain times or to certain people. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-the-fear-of-talking-to-girls ]
More Answers to “What is the fear of talking to girls
How can I overcome my fear of talking to girls?
Well something I found that helps is to plan your conversation, not word for word though it’s about ideas. Pick 5 topics you’re interested in and at least some what knowledgeable about; examples music, movies, local/school sports teams, car…
How do I get over my fear of talking to girls?
You have to reframe your mind. Ask yourself why are you scared of talking to girls. And turn it around. For instance, something that helped me out was realizing that I feared women would reject me. Why? Because I was approaching them fro…
How to kill fear of talking to girls?
There’s no way to get rid of the fear of talking to girls but there is a way of getting used to talking to girls. The only way to do that is to keep on talking to them until you get used to talking to girls so much it’s like no big deal. Th…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

How do I get over my fear of talking to girls?
Q: I feel especially shy around girls of the opposite race. I’m a white guy and I get really nervous talking to black girls, Asian girls, etc.
A: just think of them as human beings instead of just girls
How can i overcome my fear of talking to girls… Im shy Also good ways to approach girls at a mall?
Q: Well im 16 and i talk to some girls but it awkward because i dunno what to really talk about we talk for 5-10 minutes then i dunno what else to talk about…Im really talkative around ppl i know but around girls im not…Also what are some good ways to approach girls at a mall or something?
A: You shouldn’t be shy around girls just think of the as if they have a willy and you’ll be fine uhmm good ways to approach them in shops is firstly see if they look interested do they keep looking at you and making eye contact if you walk over to them and just be like hey what’s your name and then just be like you want to walk around with me and my friends or just straight out say I think your really pretty or cool and I’d like to get to know you better can I have your number.Good luck (:
How can I overcome my fear of talking to girls?
Q: and if I do talk to them, I get nervous and say random stuff that sometimes doesnt make sense or doesnt flow with the conversation which is quite embarrassing. basically I just cant think straight when Im talking to a girl.
A: Well something I found that helps is to plan your conversation, not word for word though it’s about ideas. Pick 5 topics you’re interested in and at least some what knowledgeable about; examples music, movies, local/school sports teams, cars, your job, camping ect. If your job is boring don’t get really technical. You’ll have natural practice talking about them with other people, and you can also practice by yourself. Also you’re putting too much pressure on yourself, think about how you talk to your best friend. If you can bring that state of mind to the conversation with the girl not only will it put you at ease but it will make her feel comfortable too simply because you are and that’s very important. If you’re prepared and have some sort of plan you won’t be grasping for things to say to avoid uncomfortable silences, so you won’t end up saying random/embarrassing things. Maintain good posture and don’t fidget nervously, that will make her uncomfortable and it has a negative effect on your own perception of yourself. Anyways hope that helps, good luck. 😀
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