What was the best day of your life

Health related question in topics Conversational Psychology .We found some answers as below for this question “What was the best day of your life”,you can compare them.

The best day of my life was when my daughter was born. People say that all the time, but I mean it! ChaCha for now! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-was-the-best-day-of-your-life ]
More Answers to “What was the best day of your life
A little under two and a half years ago, with a very special friend, the beauty of the desert spreading all around us and just being together. Frightening the tourists from Ohio into dragging their kids out and leaving the park was almost l…
The day I was nearly knocked down by my future husband. The day my son was born. My wedding day. My first Metallica concert.
“I have two.” I know it’s the cliche answer, but they were the days my kids were born. With my son, we hadn’t thought I would ever be able to carry a baby to term. I had had several miscarriages before him. We had actually stopped…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What was the best and worst day of your life?
Q: The best day of my life was when I felt my baby kick in my stomach for the first time.The worst day of my life was when my baby died in my stomach.P.S Not wallowing in my pain, It’s been 3 years now, but I am really interested in your best and worst day is and I only thought it was fair to say mine.Thanks!
A: the joy of feeling life in your stomach must’ve been magical..and i’m so sorry that it was taken away from you just as quickly.i am deeply sympathetic, yet i’m glad you’re doing better. [ =i am not positive i have had my best day yet. i am quite young… and i hope to have positive experiences ahead of me that i can clarify as “my best day”i do, however, know my worst day. when i was nine years old, my older sister, my twin sister, my father and i were all in a car accident. a drunk driver hit us. my two sisters and i survived. my dad, unfortunately, did not. the worst part was seeing him laying in the road, and wondering why no one would help him. i was only nine.but, like you, it has been several years and i have learned to cope.i am sixteen now, and even though i am still sore from it, i am a much stronger human being from my experiences, and i’m sure i have God to thank for that.bless you. [ =
What was the best day of your life and why?
Q: If your answer is the “day I got married” or the “the day my first child was born” you may opt out because that’s very boring. If the best day of your life was the day you got laid for the first time, that’s fine. But, those other two answers are completely lame.I think the best day of my life was the day I was able to tour London for the first time. It’s the craziest, most awesome city in the world, along with Paris and New York.There’s no way you can stop, the school of rock!
A: Ha, ha I would love to visit London, I live in New York, so yeah…totally love it here.Umm the best day of my life was the first music show, I had ever gone to which was in The Knitting Factory NYC where Tyrone Wells & Jason Reeves had performed. Omg it just gave me a feeling like it was just unexplainable. lol.Seeing them on stage made me feel like (as cliche, as it may sound) anything is possible, you know? The lyrics of the songs that they had performed were feelings I could definitely relate to. The vocals were just awesome for a LIVE show, it was just so inspiring.I got to meet them after wards and what Reeves had written in back of my songbook, has allowed me to perform in-front of a huge audience, something I would have never done.So yeah, sorry if this is lame lol, but I am a young musician and meeting these musicians has definitely changed my life.I am a better guitarist, vocalist and writer because of this experience.
If you could relive one day of your life, which day would it be? What was the best day of your life so far?
Q: Ok, it doesn’t necessarily need to me the best day of your life, but which one would you choose to do all over again and why? What changes would you make if you could?
A: I would relive the night I puked in New York City taxi cab while I was drunk…………..
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