What will make me happy if I am depressed

Health related question in topics Psychology .We found some answers as below for this question “What will make me happy if I am depressed”,you can compare them.

Laugh out loud. Anticipating a happy, funny event can raise levels of endorphins. You can also call for help: 1-800-248-4344 [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-will-make-me-happy-if-i-am-depressed ]
More Answers to “What will make me happy if I am depressed
How do you make yourself happy when your depressed??
Depression may be caused by negative thoughts, poor circumstances, loss of loved ones, genetic factors, biochemical imbalance in the brain, emptiness in heart, unforgiveness, addictions etc. There are some natural mood lifting food and vita…
Why can love make you happy then depressed?
Because love is one of those things that takes you where you never thought you’d go, and then when that person leaves you, it’s like they left you alone, stranded in the desert of emotions, with no way to security. Until someone else comes …
Do overly happy things make you depressed?
Some shows that show the “perfect” family that have the “perfect” life sometimes make me feel that way. Show themes that talk about a person working very hard and achieving a somewhat impossible goal make me feel bad, be…

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Q: My best friend is depressed and he goes to therapy and he’s been to the hospital for it. Nothing is working, his girlfriend got him to stop drugs so he might just be getting used to that. but there is no way that i can make him happy. he goes on random streaks of being happy that last for a short amount of time. i need some suggestions on how to make him happy. Thanks!
A: I think SUICIDE is what we need sometimes when life gets too rough. If u want to SUICIDE wit me tonight let me know
How do make a dog happy when its depressed?
Q: I have two boston terriors and we recently got a new tea cup chichuaua. The youngest boton terrior craves all the attention but now that we have the chichuaua the boston terrior has been depressed. We still give all three dogs the same amount of attention. What can we do to make the dogs happy?
A: This sort of thing just takes some time. Dogs do this just like children do when you bring a new baby home- they are jealous that their mommy is now giving their attention to someone else. I would suggest just waiting it out, perhaps giving the depressed one a little more attention than the others for a little while. If he doesn’t get better after a month or so, maybe call your vet. Your vet should be able to provide you with more specific suggestions based on your particular case. Be careful with your new little dog though, sometimes the other dog could actually become aggressive towards him or her, and that would create a problem. Please make sure that you correct him or her at any little sign of aggression.
Do overly happy things make you depressed?
Q: Overly happy things make me depressed all the time. Especially happy songs that are supposed to make you happy make me depressed. how bout you?
A: Some shows that show the “perfect” family that have the “perfect” life sometimes make me feel that way. Show themes that talk about a person working very hard and achieving a somewhat impossible goal make me feel bad, because i know that i lack the motivation and determination to accomplish something BIG like they did.
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