Why are old people so grumpy

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A study by Washington University in St Louis found older people find it harder than students do to understand jokes. ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/why-are-old-people-so-grumpy ]
More Answers to “Why are old people so grumpy
Why are old people so grumpy?
It is generally not something they try and do. I think ALL people are affected by what happens in there lives, the older you are, the more has happened. Some are cranky because they hurt, physically or emotionally, they don’t process things…
Why are old people so grumpy all of the time?
i am 46 so hopefully not there yet.. but from what i can tell, the grumpy are grumpy partly maybe because they don’t feel very well. they may have pain from an illness. they may have regrets about what they did or didnt do in their life. th…
Why are some people always grumpy?
“Grumpiness” is mainly a state of mind. It can be caused by chemicals in the brain that cause a person to be depressed, or by chronic pain (which also can effect the brain) that reduces a person’s ability to cope with other matter…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Why are old people so grumpy?
Q: Do people treat them that badly, THAT they have to strike out at every person they see?
A: It is generally not something they try and do. I think ALL people are affected by what happens in there lives, the older you are, the more has happened. Some are cranky because they hurt, physically or emotionally, they don’t process things in there minds as quickly, and it is frustrating to them also. Old people, like myself, find they have to come to terms with nearing life’s end, usually do a lot of reflecting, if they can, and get frustrated, because they are “treated” differently, (as in )were made jokes of, about being senile or ready for a rest home, that is something one can handle when there younger, but when our age, it is Truly a “fear”.We do not seem to be taken very seriously, feel unwanted, and certainly un- needed, others tend to make us feel like were a burden. No, no one would “say” that to us, but you hear it in general conversations, and those who are speaking are not taking into consideration, we are there.We tend to be lonely, though there are people sometimes all around us, people are there, but no real social contact. Almost like we have no input any longer, were out of our element now, with new technology and so forth.We long for the yest-er years, when things were easier, there was more respect and consideration and value given to the elders.Not unlike other people, some of us are just cranky, i mean, now, look at the road rage folks, the ones going postal on folks, and so on. Rare you find an elder in those catogories, why are they like they are? hope this helps you some.
Why are old people so grumpy all of the time?
A: i am 46 so hopefully not there yet..but from what i can tell, the grumpy are grumpy partly maybe because they don’t feel very well. they may have pain from an illness. they may have regrets about what they did or didnt do in their life. they also may have unresolved issues with friends or family members that they can’t talk about. the times they grew up were when folks didnt really talk about their feelings and air them out. so the bad feelings are festering in their psyche. another big thing is that they have to depend on other people a lot and that is difficult especially when they were used to taking care of their own business.sometimes they are very lonely.on the other hand i wouldnt agree that all old people are grumpy all the time. my grandma is almost 96 and some days she seems happy the whole day.all the best to you!
Grumpy old people who or what would like to give a damn good lashing?
Q: I include grumpy young people in this. Have a good rant. Best one gets ten points
A: The person that makes me grumpy…..myself….but it wouldn’t help
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