Why did he sleep so long

Health related question in topics Psychology .We found some answers as below for this question “Why did he sleep so long”,you can compare them.

There wasn’t any infomation available as to why he slept so long. Another man was hypnotized and slept for 8 days. ChaCha on! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/why-did-he-sleep-so-long ]
More Answers to “Why did he sleep so long
Why is he always so tired, no matter how long he sleeps??
he could be low in iron… Get him on a good multivitimin, also he could have depression, or even glandular fever which gives u depression and sleeplessness.
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A: My cat had ‘siblings’ and they hated and so did she, a year later she loves me. She would latch on to my hands and lick lick lick. If i came home she would run to the door as I parked, and follow me inside when I pet her, she would commence the licking and sleep in my lap doing it.I assume that’s her way of communicating her love to you, however if you had her for a really long time and she’s never done that maybe you’ve done something to please or she’s asking you to do that thing that pleases her.
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A: He might have started teething or he might be going through a growth spurt, requiring more food. Whichever one it is, they both come and go, so he will be back to his old schedule in a few days to a week.
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A: Have you tried giving him some solids just before you put him to bed. They take longer to digest so they do not get as hungry as fast. Keep in mind also that babies take many naps through out the day so even if he is sleeping a couple of hours less at night he might make up for it with his naps through out the day. I can’t see what time you put him to bed because you forgot to put it so I can’t really say.Edit: OK after reading the bed time I wouldn’t worry too much. My son goes to bed at about the same time and gets up at about 6:30 or 7. As long as he is sleeping at least 6 hours straight without waking up then I wouldn’t worry about it. He is sleeping about 8 and half hours a night which is normal at this age.
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