Why do girls get paranoid

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Girls get paranoid because their boyfriends always cheat on them. Then, they get worried and out of control. ChaCha on! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/why-do-girls-get-paranoid ]
More Answers to “Why do girls get paranoid
Why do guys get paranoid about the girl in the relationship makin…?
I like the girl to make more money. Shoot, take me out. Stuart Brown
How do I get over my paranoia that every girl will cheat on me??
Hi, you cannot assume that every girl will be unfaithful because if you do you will always end up finishing a relationship. Trust must come into play at some point. You might be better off making good friends with the girl you choose to dat…

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A: Because she loves you and is affraid to loose the best thing that has happened to her.She know’s she’ll never find anyone else like you.But maybe Something you do/did made her start thinking twice about everything you do…and now she feels insecure because of something you did before and she can’t help but think the worst about everything.Maybe instead of complaining to her all the time about it and giving up so easy you should argue back with her and prove her wrong ^^.Or…..just tell how how you really feel.What you really want,who…ect.But even though it’s annoying at least it shows that she hasnt lost interest in you and loves you….
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A: not me, sorry
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