Why does someone sleep so much

Health related question in topics Psychology .We found some answers as below for this question “Why does someone sleep so much”,you can compare them.

Sleeping too much could be a sign of narcolepsy. Thanks for using ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/why-does-someone-sleep-so-much ]
More Answers to “Why does someone sleep so much
What do you do wen you miss someone so much you cant sleep??
Relax,remember that is not the end of the world.Be patient,time is going to help you to pass this hard time.Also remember,that problems are not forever,any problem always have a solution,or way out.Talk with your friends,try to think that t…
How do you keep someone from SLEEPING so much?
My dad had this kind of problem. He ended up getting a sleep study from his doctor. That’s where you go somewhere and doctors watch you sleep. They discovered he had a horrible case of Restless Leg Syndrome. He kept almost waking himself up…
Does anyone know of someone who drank so much they died in their …?
Yes … several. Alcohol poisoning …. Many puke and loose control of their bodily functions. Not a flattering final picture to leave behind for folks to find.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Why does your head ache when you get too much sleep?
Q: What does exra sleep do to your head to make it ache? I was thinking about it and I can’t come up with a good reason why it should ache. I mean, with lack of enough sleep it makes sense because your head didn’t get to recharge itself enough but why does it hurt if you sleep too much?
A: I used to sleep more than 8 hours but i feel fine when i get up but sometimes i have headache if i sleep more than 10 hours and find myself thirsty so i go to the kitchen and drink water.
Why does your body ache if you sleep too much?
Q: Sometimes I can’t get out of bed and I go back to sleep and then when I wake up a second time, my body aches soo much. I was just wondering why does it do that? When it does, it makes me not want to get out of bed and I end up staying in bed even longer which doesn’t make the aches go away. Anyways just wondering. Thanks in advance.
A: good question because that happens to me too. I can assume it’s from laying down on the mattress, in one position all night long. our muscles relax at night and then we wake up, we tense them back up again. and if we try to fall back to sleep, the muscles are trying hard to relax again….. it’s like the back and other muscles are in a spasm. I was told when i wake up to put my feet down first, one at a time. and then the rest of my body. pull up slowly and stretch lightly. then walk… getting up too fast can cause aches later at night.
Why does my chihuahua sleep so much?
Q: I have this little tiny chihuahua Peachy (she’s in my profile picture), and during the day she sleeps about 18 hours, plus she sleeps the whole night. She does do some exercise for about 2 hours a day playing, but mostly hangs around the house and sleeps. Why does she sleep so much?
A: i think i have found your answer in another yahoo question.heres from the best answer of that question:Actually this is very normal. When a dog is not getting attention he sleeps 80% of the day and are only up when things are going on. Most people do not belive this because they say there dogs eyes are always open when they look at him, this is because dogs are actually extremly light sleepers and will continue to wake up and fall asleep. Also it does not matter if your dog slept all day, he will still go to bed at night. Dogs are not humans, so they dont have the same body funtions. They dont need a reccomeded time of sleep or when they should get up, they are going to always be tired if nothing is going on.Dogs cant not fall asleep.http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20080821092927AAsHGA6
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