The Importance of Tumescent Liposuction

Before taking the decision to resort to surgery you will have to establish some clear expectations and objectives and discuss them in detail with your surgeon. In order to be eligible for tumescent liposuction you must have a relatively normal weight, even if you have areas of fat in some parts of the body. You must also have a good health state and be psychologically stable. Skin elasticity and firmness guarantees a better shape of the body after surgery. If the skin hangs, you will have to adapt to your new body state after surgery. If you have recently undergone surgery it is not recommended to resort to liposuction because of the poor circulation that can be caused, especially in the area of ‘‹’‹interest.

People with potential lung and heart problems should avoid choosing tumescent liposuction by all means. Bear in mind that removing or improving appearance of your body can be achieved through this intervention, but there are also some important alternatives for solving this kind of problems. Normally, surgery is completely safe if patients are chosen carefully, if the clinic has all necessary facilities for surgery and if the doctor is very experienced in the field. However, liposuction may result in severe trauma during surgery if too much fat is absorbed during a single session. Another possible situation that leads to rare complications is the appearance of liquid drainage that needs to be accumulated, as well as the appearance of skin trauma.

However, these risks can be avoided if you choose a doctor with sufficient experience and if you follow all the advice given by him. Scars are small and are placed in such a way that they are hidden or barely visible. However, the sun can cause skin color changes, bruising and swelling of the treated area. If there is an asymmetry you will need a second liposuction intervention. It takes an initial consultation in order to ensure stable and spectacular results. During this consultation the doctor will evaluate your overall health state and determine the location of areas to check the fat and tone of your skin.

The surgeon will also make a small description of the alternatives, such as abdominoplasty. This consultation is your only chance to have a detailed discussion with your surgeon about the options you have. Sincerity is a must, as well as the expectations regarding liposuction. Also the limits and risks of surgery will be explained to you, as well as the anesthesia used and the total amount you will have to pay. The doctor should be informed about the periods of weight loss or weight gain and whether you smoke, take vitamins, medicines or other drugs.

In case of more extensive liposuction you can discuss more complicated issues as well, such as if you have ever had a blood transfusion. The doctor must give clear instructions on preparation for intervention, including advice on diet, smoking, drugs to be avoided or vitamins and iron tablets. Surgery is delayed if you develop any infection or cold. You must have someone to look after you for few days after surgery. If you have an extended intervention you will require hospitalization. On the other hand, if surgery is not extensive the doctor will only use a local anesthetic.

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