Can I smoke a cigarette if I just got my wisdom teeth pulled

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Do not smoke for at least 24 hours after your surgery. The sucking motion can loosen the clot and delay healing. In addition, smoking decreases the blood supply and can bring germs and contaminants to the surgery area. Thanks for using ChaCha! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Can I smoke a cigarette if I just got my wisdom teeth pulled
Can I smoke a cigarette if I just got my wisdom teeth pulled?
Do not smoke for at least 24 hours after your surgery. The sucking motion can loosen the clot and delay healing. In addition, smoking decreases the blood supply and can bring germs and contaminants to the surgery area. Thanks for using ChaC…

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I got my wisdom teeth pulled today, when can I smoke a cigarette?
Q: talked to my oral surgeon about it, and he told me that I’d have to wait a whole week. I know that’s a crock, I know plenty of people that have been able to get away with it. Although they told me that they shoved cotton in their gums too. I was also wondering about a little MJ, and when that could be possible to smoke as well. Anyways, when will I be able to safely smoke without being concerned about dry socket? I can wait a week if it’s necessary, but I know plenty of people that got away with it after a few days. My surgeon has me on a lot of medication to prevent any infections as well, so I’m pretty much golden… I just wanted to ask before I ended up screwing myself over and getting dry socket.Oh, and I’m not looking to getting criticized by some old bitch, thank you. I was polite, you can be too. Just because you’re old and miserable, doesn’t mean you have to take it out on me, a nice girl that just wanted to ask a simple question. Jesus.
A: Hello, as a dentist myself I always advise my patients not to smoke or drink using a straw for AT LEAST 72 hours and even longer is of course better as this will give the clot time to form and for your gums to begin to heal. Smoking, drinking from a straw and and strenuous exercise can cause the clot to dislodge and whats known as a “dry socket” will form. Once a dry socket has formed you will find yourself back in your dentists office as this is often more painful than before your procedure. I have had patients who smoked as soon as the same afternoon that I had extracted their wisdom teeth and they ended up back in the office the next day for treatment for dry sockets. Best advice is to take any prescriptions (ie pain medication and antibiotics) that your dentist may have prescribed, try not to smoke for at least 72 hours and just sit back and take it easy. Good luck!
Rinsing after wisdom teeth surgery?
Q: ok i got three of my wisdom teeth pulled out at 10 this morning and im a smoker so i was wondering if it is bad to rinse my mouth out on the same day after i smoke a cigarette to avoid infection or if its gonna cause extra bleeding im still sedated and on pain killers so i was wondering if any one could let me know if i can rinse my mouth just yet…..damn can i like just cheat like a puff here and there?
A: Whatever you do, DO NOT RINSE OR SMOKE for 24-26 hours. It is not infection that is worried about at this stage. What you will do is to dislodge the forming blood clots that protect the sockets and you will have the mother of all dry sockets. Just continue to bite on the gauze packs and stick to soft cool foods. Also just relax and don’t do a lot of bending over. Good luck.
Do i have a dry socket or is it normal pain – i’m pretty confused about this whole wisdom tooth thing !?
Q: I had all four wisdom teeth pulled on thursday the 5th at 5:00 p.m. It’s now sunday the 8th and I am very confused !! the left side of my mouth feels fine but the right side has some throbbing. Here’s the thing, the reason why i went to the dentist to get my tooth pulled was for the lower right one and they had some problems pulling the upper right one so is it just normal pain due to the fact that that’s the original side that bothered me ? I don’t know if I have a dry socket. I haven’t smoked except for friday night and actually I had my boyfriend hit it [weed not cigarettes] for me and then blow it in my mouth and i kept drinking to keep my mouth moist. Its not a crazy bad pain like they say is associated with a dry socket. I’ve tryed to look in my mouth to see if I see a blood clot but I can’t tell [its pretty dark in there lol] but both sides appear to be the same. I continue to wash my mouth with salt & water like I was told to do and periodically through out the day I have the slight taste of blood in my mouth but I’m assuming thats normal from the blood clots ? I don’t know, i’m pretty confused and I know this is really long but I don’t go back to the dentist until the 13th and I am not sure if I have a problem or not. Could any of this be due to the fact that I have regular stitches and not disolving ones because my gum on my right bottom side was split due to my tooth comming through and they stictched them all up obviously but I don’t know someone just please help me soon !! P.S. can i smoke yet if I don’t have any problems if I keep my mouth moist and keep cleaning it like I’m supposed to ? Thanks for reading and I hope someone helps me ASAP !
A: From your description, it sounds like you do not have a dry socket as the pain would be more severe. I think the soreness is because that area was traumatized more removing the tooth. It would have nothing to do with the type of sutures placed. The taste you are getting is completely normal. Keep on the warm saline rinses and the other advice I would give is to wait a couple more days before smoking. Good luck.
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