Does laser surgery get rid of stretch marks

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Many doctors and researches feel that laser surgery has proved to be one of the most effective ways to get rid of stretch marks. Of course as with any type of treatmentthere is no one hundred percent guarantee that it will completely eliminate MORE? [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Does laser surgery get rid of stretch marks
Does laser surgery get rid of stretch marks
Many doctors and researches feel that laser surgery has proved to be one of the most effective ways to get rid of stretch marks. Of course as with any type of treatmentthere is no one hundred percent guarantee that it will completely elim…
Can laser surgery really get rid of stretch marks?
it can only get rid of red stretch marks and idk how much it costs not its not bad for you its safe. it is permanent.
How to Get Rid of Stretch Marks – Natural Remedies Or Laser Surge…?
Stretch marks aren’t pleasant to look at, especially the thick red lines of scarring that thousands of people experience. They can appear on many areas of the body, and can lead to loss of confidence in individuals. There are solutions to t…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Getting rid of stretch marks with laser surgery?
Q: I have red stretch marks… i went to a doctor and he said laser surgery will only lighten up the stretch marks. not actually get rid of them…. what do you think is the best way to hide or get rid of them… no matter the cost.
A: Some dermatologists are actually cutting them out now… You will still be left with a tiny scar, but not entirely as obtrusive as the stretchmark itself.
How do you get rid of stretch marks without laser surgery?
Q: I am only 18 and I am not overweight! I don’t want these for te rest of my life but also do not want expensive laser surgery’
A: You can’t, simple as that. All you can do is reduce the look of them with vitamin E enriched creams.
Does anyone know if laser surgery gets rid off or effectively show less sight of stretch marks?
Q: Got stretch marks while carrying my son due to being at a job that requires to be on my feet all day and have it in places noone would want. If anyone has had laser surgery or at least really knows, is it worth the money? even if if just takes out the redness from them? please help, i cant afford to waste money i dont have. thanks
A: can surely take away the sight of stretch marks, but it can cost much…i suggest to apply oil of olay every night, i,m sure it will lessen your stretch marks…
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