How do I get rid of my bulgy eyes

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To get rid of bulgy eyes, you can either have surgery to remove the excess fat or apply an over the counter cream daily under your eyes. You can also apply a cool damp cloth under your eyes to reduce the swelling. ChaCha anytime! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How do I get rid of my bulgy eyes
How do I get rid of my bulgy eyes
To get rid of bulgy eyes, you can either have surgery to remove the excess fat or apply an over the counter cream daily under your eyes. You can also apply a cool damp cloth under your eyes to reduce the swelling. ChaCha anytime!

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Q: I remember i got a sty or something thats red and hurted when i touched it in April. It went away. Now, when i touch the area, i feel a hard lump. It hasn’t hurt since. I think the thing has been roughly the same size for a while. Its about 3 and a half mm in diameter. It doesn’t irritate me, but my eye does feel a bit dry now after trying to look at it and feel it cause i was trying to show my mum. I tried touching the area with my eye closed and moving my eyes around. It a bit too so I assume its part of my eyeball now. Its located on the side of my tear ducts but a bit higher. If I look down, i can see a bit of the outline of the lump because my eyeball is originally bulgy.I can’t see what’s under the eyelid no matter how hard i try, i’m hoping to get it checked soon. I’ve had it for a while but it hasn’t affected me. Could this be a cyst? Could it increase in size? What causes cysts on eyeballs? And is there anyway besides surgery to get rid of it.I’m a 16 year old girl.
A: do u live in an area with lots of bot flies? if might have laid eggs in ur eye.
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