How do you get rid of a popped blood vessel

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1st you need to determine what type they are. Some go away on their own and others need laser surgery or medication to go away. ChaCha [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How do you get rid of a popped blood vessel
How do I get rid of a popped blood vessel?
My dad had the same thing happen to him. Go see your eye doctor for better information. Popped blood vessels in his case, was from working out. Also, if you have sinus trouble you’re blood vessels get popped easily. If you have changed some…
What is a popped blood vessel? What do they look like? How to get…?
OH NO! You need to go to your doctor ASAP! My mother had this and a week later she was dead. You need to go now now now!
How do you get rid of a popped blood vessel on your chin
Applying a cream with vitamin K oxide strengthens the capillary walls. Prevent broken blood vessels or have them professionally removed with helpful information from a clinical aesthetician. Is there something else we could answer for you…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

How do you get rid of a popped blood vessel?
Q: Is there anything that can take care of a popped blood vessel? I have one right below my eye and its really noticable and gross, and I have had another one taht hasnt gone away in years, it has just faded. What can I do to get rid of a new one? Please help!
A: ice cube–wrap it in a cloth first the apply it On & Off for a few seconds & continue this for several minutes or until it shrinks the vessel noticeably.
How do you get rid of popped blood vessels?
Q: i’ve had this one for about a year and it has not gone away it is on my face and is noticable! PLEASE HELP ME!
A: There is not a way to get rid of it, except to put a cover-up on it. Even then it will still be there. Although, I have heard that a doctor could do surgery and mold it back together. Perhaps you should look into this, eh?
How do you get rid of a black eye?
Q: The blood vessels popped so right now it’s only red. But I’m nervous about it getting worse! SERIOUS ANSWERS ONLY!the problem is we want it to go away in the next four days, his birthday is on the 7th..will it?
A: Ice it a lot. I’m sure in time it will heal. Just pray that it gets better as well. I will pray and show support. Good Luck and Happy Birthday.
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