How does a 150 pound 5’8 girl lose 10 pounds in a week

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To lost 10 pounds or more in a week, follow The Sacred Heart Diet. It was created by doctors as a quick diet (just seven days) to help heart patients lose a significant amount of weight prior to surgery. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How does a 150 pound 5’8 girl lose 10 pounds in a week
How does a 150 pound 5’8 girl lose 10 pounds in a week’8-girl-lose-10-pounds-in-a-week
To lost 10 pounds or more in a week, follow The Sacred Heart Diet. It was created by doctors as a quick diet (just seven days) to help heart patients lose a significant amount of weight prior to surgery.

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Can I lose this weight?? No motivation?
Q: Hi I am 14 yrs old (girl). I have been eating very healthy for the last 5 weeks and have lost 10 pounds (5 pounds first week, nothing last week) I now weigh 150 pounds and I am 5’8″. I try to drink 64 oz. of water a day and sometimes I do but sometimes I don’t drink much at all. I try to play Yourself fitness for 30 min everyday and then run/walk every other day. I used to strength train a bit but I just don’t have the motivation anymore. I sometimes splurge….bad and then I feel hopless. I REALLY WANT 2 lose another 20 pounds in 2 months. My bmi says I’m healthy but I have a big double chin, have to wear XL’s and I have lots of fat around my body. I just want to be skinny and feel good and be hott. PLease help me. IS my plan okay? Will I be able to lose the weight? how will i lose this weight if I have no motivation? Please let me know, I don’t want to be fat no more. Thank you and remember stay healthy.
A: Think about how great your body/muscles will look once you’re in shape.That’s what keeps me motivated.
will I lose ten pounds this way?
Q: I’m 5’5 123 poundswill i lose 8-10 pounds in the next 3 weeks by doing this1 hour of walking, 1 hour of running/jogging1 hour of pilates100 crunches and 150 girl pushupseat 1200-1400 calories a daydrink 8 glasses of water and 3 mugs of green teaalso how will i get a flat toned stomach and slim tone arms by then, i can’t do pushups and I don’t have weightsand I don’t really eat healthy things I eat alot of junk,but keep wit within my calorie range
A: You will lose about 5.2 pounds in three weeks on this plan, which is a pretty healthy weight loss.I calculated this number by adding up the total number of calories burned using this site –> It totaled around 1125 calories burned a week.Then found out how many calories you needed per day which was just over 2000 assuming you are 20 years old. I used this site –> you subtract that number by how many calories you plan to eat (about 1300), add calories burned, multiply by three weeks and divide by 3500 (which is how many calories in a pound).
Is this diet healthy for a 14 year old girl?
Q: Well actually I’m turning 14 in two months. I’m 5 ‘2 and right now I weigh 135 pounds. My BMI is so close to being overweight. I want to lose weight, and ALSO be healthy. I’m not physically active at all, but I want to change that. I also barely eat vegetables and fruits, and I will also change that. I want to drink at least 8 glasses of water every day and 3 glasses of milk (whole milk) too. I want to eat only 1500 calories everyday but my diet is more than that but after exercising I would have burned around 250 calories so then the calories I have will be around 1500.*The numbers next to the food are the calories.Breakfast:1 cup Cheerios with 1/2 cup milk – 175 1 serving carrots – 351 banana – 105 1 cup milk – 1501 cup water – 0 Lunch: OptionsWhatever they serve at school, chicken sandwich, ramen, microwaveable macaroni or rice.I have to chose only one of those and they all have about maybe 350 calories each.After School Snack:1 apple – 1161 cup celery – 141 cup of yogurt – 801 slice wholegrain bread – 701 cup milk – 1502 cups water – 0Dinner:A plate of rice w/ whatever there is – maybe about 3001 cup milk – 1502 cups water – 0* Yes, I’ll eat the same food for dinner everyday. Rice, lol. I’m South Asian. Nightime Snack:1 serving broccoli – 241 orange – 621 cup green tea – 02 cups water*the cup of green tea is also a cup of waterI will also exercise at least 40 minutes 5 days every week. On Sundays I’m only going to exercise 20 minutes. On Saturdays though, I won’t exercise and I’ll eat some junkfood too because, well I’m a teen and we like junkfood, lol. And please, don’t say I’m too young to be worrying about my weight, because it’s not just about how much I weigh, I want to be healthy too. I’m also not going to go crazy and try to lose 10 pounds or something every week. I want to lose at least 1 or 2 pounds every week. I’m only doing the exercising 3 weeks out of every month because one of the weeks I just can’t do any of the exercising. Is my diet healthy for me?Oh and btw for dinner, I usually eat the rice with meat or some kind of vegetable curry.@Ilana G : Yeah, I do actually measure out things. I’ll be careful though with the dinner and stuff and rice. And well, people are supposed to drink 3 glasses of milk everydays and my bones hurt when I don’t. Actually, instead of buying whole milk I’ll buy fat free or lowfat instead now.
A: I didn’t see much meat in this diet. If you don’t want to eat meat, make sure you are getting protein from other sources, such as eggs or beans. Try skim milk. Whole milk has a lot of fat. If you hate skim (I do), try 1% or 2%. It might be helpful to discuss your diet with a doctor or registered dietitian to be sure it is healthy for you.
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