How many people die from surgeries a year

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In the United States, the mortality due to general anesthesia has been estimated at approximately 5000 deaths per year. More? [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How many people die from surgeries a year
How many people die from surgeries a year
In the United States, the mortality due to general anesthesia has been estimated at approximately 5000 deaths per year. More?
Can people who have had a gastric bypass develope acid stomach 8 …?
In general, anybody can develop GERD/acid reflux. While a Roux-en-Y often helps people who have …
Is it true that every year year one in 700 people wake up during …?
I don’t remember the actual number, but unfortunately it does happen occasionally. The anesthesiologist controls sedation and paralytics during surgery. Most hospitals use a machine that has electrodes attached to the head during surgery to…

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Why are Americans still so shallow and materialistic in these difficult times?
Q: Plastic surgeries are at an all time-high, people still shop, trade in their cars for better ones in a few year time span, care about their homes, the joneses, and just care about themselves, and creating their own persona lives, yetour country is in moral and even financial decay, we’re in a 9 trillion dollar debt, and we have many upon many issues.Yet people continue to act like none of this is happeniing or care, keep listening to Britney Spears, Gwen Stefani, and Madonna, go on extreme diets, and are infatuated with the superficial and totally irrelevant bs. Souping up cars??Come on now.How ridiculous has our society gotten?People dying to be in music bands and in the entertainment industry for their own vain purposes, and people judging each other and crucifying them if god forbid they have on an outfit from 10 years ago, or they’re not in perfect shape, or if they have a receeding hairline, or what not. Ageism.What the HELL America?It’s just, wow.
A: i suppose we can blame Hollywood and the media, and they should really be ashamed, i mean some people there make careers out of making fun of other people, the way the look, their weight, skin tone, the way they dress, i think that if it werent for people like that then no one would care if they looked old, or chunky, or had glasses and crooked teeth, people survived for 100s and 100s of years with no makeup, no hair dye, no Gucci or Prada and they lived great lives..but your right, America is more shallow than a wading pool.
Isnt “pro-life” just a smokescreen for whats really going on here?
Q: Theory:The “pro-life” stance is just a wedge issue to get some people to vote Republican no matter what. This has been created because some of the biggest causes OF the GOP are in fact pro-death.It’s how a lot of politics works. Following the Rovian principle, they say the opposite of what they are and what their intent is to fool what should in fact be their biggest detractors.-Cigarettes kill about 660,000 Americans a year, yet the tobacco lobby is a major campaign contributor to the GOP. Silence from the anti-choice crowd.-Over 20,000 Americans each year die from an adequate lack of health insure. This problem is virtually nonexistent in Canada and Western Europe, where voter satisfaction is consistently higher than in the more conservative US.And filmmaker and single-payer advocate Michael Moore was lambasted for mentioning this statistic. Why? Oh yeah, the private insurance industry is a major contributor to the Republican Party.Because, if you had single-payer insurance, almost no one would die from complications due to a lack of coverage, but the Insurance industry would lose a bundle, and that means less campaign $$$ for the GOP.-Conservatives say they are against “big government”, yet many in fact advocate theocracy (America was founded on escaping theocracy). They want a government that- tells its own people what surgeries they can have, – who they can marry- what substances they can and cannot take.- kills its own people for killing- spies on its own people- tortures its detaineesSounds more like Iran than America.Brandon- So you are saying more big govt. theocracy is the answer? It hasnt wored yet. “killing innocent babies” I can name 10 televangelists who dishonestly frame it that way just to rake in the dough.lawgirl-Yes,exactly. They do nothing to actually reduce the # of abortions, so its all scare tatics.grayquil: Never said abortion was good,only saying banning it wont stop it and it’s critics are offering no real alternatives nor are the adopting more.And maybe if you are so smart you could skip the insults.Mark D: So you are saying namecalling is the main part of your twisting my words around? Typical.
A: Yes, because the republicans have done nothing to actually lessen abortions. it will not become illegal any time soon, and I have seen them do nothing to minimize the amount that occur. If you find abortions immoral, then do something to minimize them. Obama had that in his platform.
Is “pro-life” just a smokescreen for whats really going on here?
Q: NO NAMECALLING PLEASE. THANK YOU!Theory:The “pro-life” stance is just a wedge issue to get some people to vote Republican no matter what. This has been created because some of the biggest causes OF the GOP are in fact pro-death.It’s how a lot of politics works. Following the Rovian principle, they say the opposite of what they are and what their intent is to fool what should in fact be their biggest detractors.-Cigarettes kill about 660,000 Americans a year, yet the tobacco lobby is a major campaign contributor to the GOP. Silence from the anti-choice crowd.-Over 20,000 Americans each year die from an adequate lack of health insure. This problem is virtually nonexistent in Canada and Western Europe, where voter satisfaction is consistently higher than in the more conservative US.And filmmaker and single-payer advocate Michael Moore was lambasted for mentioning this statistic. Why? Oh yeah, the private insurance industry is a major contributor to the Republican Party.Because, if you had single-payer insurance, almost no one would die from complications due to a lack of coverage, but the Insurance industry would lose a bundle, and that means less campaign $$$ for the GOP.I’ve tried to find where in the bible that it is pro-gun,pro-rich and pro-free market, but all I can find is this “love they neighbor” stuff that rules the judgemental far Right right out.Hmmm…-Conservatives say they are against “big government”, yet many in fact advocate theocracy (America was founded on escaping theocracy). They want a government that- tells its own people what surgeries they can have, – who they can marry- what substances they can and cannot take.- kills its own people for killing- spies on its own people- tortures its detainees- demonizes intellectual dissentSounds more like Islamic Iran than America.Mike Ma: Could you elaborate a little, if you can?soldier4… I stopped reading your rant as soon as you revealed yourself as nothing but just another hatefilled namecaller. Typical christian hypocrite.Jersey Guy,-yes OF COURSE legalizing drugs will stop 80% of all violence. Been saying that for years. But I dont think you understood all of the question though.a jouful life has god- blocked for right wing propaganda.not even truecaveman- crappy nonanswer
A: You are corecct, I believe it is a smoke screen, like there aren’t things that are 100 more times important than abortion facing the future of the US right now.
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