How many times a day should i put vitamin E on my scars to make them go away and how long will it take for them to go away

Health related question in topics Medicine Treatment .We found some answers as below for this question “How many times a day should i put vitamin E on my scars to make them go away and how long will it take for them to go away”,you can compare them.

Although many people apply vitamin E oil to their skin to minimize scars and it’s sometimes recommended by physicians after skin surgery, there’s very little evidence that shows it helps. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How many times a day should i put vitamin E on my scars to make them go away and how long will it take for them to go away
How many times a day should i put vitamin E on my scars to make t…?
Although many people apply vitamin E oil to their skin to minimize scars and it’s sometimes recommended by physicians after skin surgery, there’s very little evidence that shows it helps.
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