How much does the pectus excavatum surgery cost

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It really depends on your insurance plan and doctor as it changes from plan to plan. Thanks for using ChaCha! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How much does the pectus excavatum surgery cost
How much does the pectus excavatum surgery cost
It really depends on your insurance plan and doctor as it changes from plan to plan. Thanks for using ChaCha!
How much would it cost to get surgery for pectus excavatum??
It would matter on how bad your dent is, how old you are, and where you are located. Insurance isn’t likely to cover it because it is considered cosmetic. The costs I’ve been able to find, and have read from other people with it, have range…
What is the cost someone can expect for pectus excavatum surgery??
Varies greatly on where you live, your surgeon, and the hospital. Contact the Dr’s office and hospital for an estimate. Be sure to have them include pre-op workup, and aftercare.

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A: call around and ask i checked i cant fine anything about the cost you would have to call
Pectus excavatum surgery?
Q: Im a 14 year old male with pectus excavatum. I hate it and was wondering how much does surgery cost and would it be covered by the NHS? And can special excercises make it less noticable?
A: I can’t submit links, but go to google, type in pectus excavatum, and the first 3 links are great.My boyfriend has PE and when he was about your age (we’re in our 20s now) he decided not to do the surgery: too much risk. His heart is shifted slightly to the left and I don’t think he can take huge breaths (he has to do it in two stages), but other than that, he doesn’t have anything life-threatening.Working out your pectoral muscles might help lessen the appearance of the concavity, but in some guys it may make it worse. I think if you ask maybe a physical therapist, they might know. There are pectus excavatum websites out there and a fair amount of people with this condition put up their exercise regimens/routines so that may be of help. Not sure what NHS is, but I do know that if you’re under 18, Shriners hospitals will cover all your costs, even if you don’t have insurance. If you meet with a specialist to discuss the possible surgery (there are two main types I think) then you’ll get estimates for pricing. At the end of the day, it’s your body and your life. This is a decision that no one else can make for you. Good luck.
how much for pectus excavatum cosmetic surgery?
Q: how much do you think it will cost?please just answer the question rather then tell me what to do or not to do, thanks.
A: I’ll do it for $200.What are you talking about, losing manboobs? Seriously, go see a plastic surgeon. Most of them have free consults.
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