How much is Lasik corrective eye surgery about

Health related question in topics Medicine Treatment .We found some answers as below for this question “How much is Lasik corrective eye surgery about”,you can compare them.

The Lasik average is $2,105 for all laser-based vision correction procedures in which a single price is quoted. Have a great day! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How much is Lasik corrective eye surgery about
How much is Lasik corrective eye surgery about
The Lasik average is $2,105 for all laser-based vision correction procedures in which a single price is quoted. Have a great day!
How much does LASIK laser corrective eye surgery cost on average??
Overall traditional lasik procedures still cost roughly $1,000 to $3000 to complete. If you pay less than $1,000 per eye treated, you may want to question your surgeon and verify his or her credentials. You should also see if there are hidd…
What are the Steps Taken During Lasik Corrective Eye Surgery??
Many people are opting for lasik eye surgery as they find contact lenses increasingly uncomfortable and costly to maintain. Commonly taking around three to five minutes per eye, with LASIK vision you can have one eye done after the other in…

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Anyone had an IOL implated or Lasik for sever myopia?
Q: My Rx is -12 and -10.75 (nearsightedness/ severe myopia) Yes, I have a stigmatism in both eyes. I’m 23 & have called around to all the Doctors but am hesitant to be screened because I’m scared I’ll be told I’m just not a candidate.Lasik seems to run about 4000$ in my area.IOL/ICL implants run about 9000-10000$ and also run the risk of needing additional lasik at a reduced cost of 700-1000$ an eye for adjustments.I know what myopia is, I know how bad my Rx is, I know what each surgery entails… but I can’t find real life information from people that have been there. I would prefer lasik but I think my Rx is too severe and that I wont have enough cornea to be able to remove as much as I need.**anyone w/ severe myopia that has had either of these corrective procedures have any advice or stories to share?**
A: I do not know of anyone who has been treated for myopia as severe as yours. I found a website where a person with a similar situation describes how he had it treated and the results. hope this helps.
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