How to get rid of a scar from a surgery

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Creams, ointments, and scar sheets are the more practical methods of scar removal, but if you have the money, and you’re feeling a little self-conscious about your zipper belly, there are surgical procedures available to remove a scar. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How to get rid of a scar from a surgery
How to get rid of scars from surgeries?
mederma! Or bio oil both work wonders.
Should i have surgery to get rid of my scar and ganglion??
The scar itself doesn’t look too bad. If the lump is painful or dangerous (or even if you just hate the look of it) then maybe surgery would be something to consider. I would leave the scar though, if it was on your face or something then y…
Should You Use Laser Surgery to Get Rid of Your Acne Scarring??—-Should-You-Use-Laser-Surgery-to-Get-Rid-of-Your-Acne-Scarring?&id=1997955
Using laser surgery for acne scar treatment has become popular within the last several years. As more and more people struggled with deep set scars that would not fade, they began to look for a more permanent solution to their problem. Lase…

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A: scar zone I got it at long drugs store I thought this probably wont work but it really did now i dont feel self conscious about my old scars, it reduces the scar, flatten it, diminishes it and people dont even noticed my old scars.
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Q: I am just wondering because I have 2 big surgical scars one on my back (i had a surgery because I had scolioises) and I also have a surgery scar from when I was younger because I had a problem with my heart Im just wondering How much it costs since I dont want to have 2 big scars on myself can u help me out?
A: I too am very glad that you only have surgical scars and hopefully no other medical problems. Personally, my daughter was born with a unilateral cleft lip (she has two scars above her lip–thanks to Dr. Bill Magee they are minimal). During her early teen years the scars bothered her a lot (she is now 17). However, as she is getting older she has realized that it is a part of her. She said that every time she looks in the mirror she realizes that God has given her a gift and that she knows that at some point in her life she will use her birth defect for some purpose in life. She knows that it is a part of her and just part of her make-up. It reminds her everyday that those scars are a part of her and how she was brought into this world. Use your scars as a reminder of what you have gone through and how it has made you the person that you are today.
How do I get rid of my surgery scar?
Q: I have a long scar that extends from about the end of my neck to the end of my lungs in the middle of my chest area from having heart surgery.I had surgery when I was just a few months old, and now I’m 15. I really don’t like how it’s visible when i wear lower cut shirts or bathing suits. Is there any way to get rid of it or atleast make it less visible?Please help. Thanks 🙂
A: I have the same scar from heart surgery 2 years ago and I use Palmers Cocoa Butter (, which is said to be used for stretch marks but works great for scars. I’ve been putting it on my scar twice a day for a year now and its slowly but surely fading. My scar is from three surgeries though, so yours may fade away quicker. Palmers also has a specific scar serum, but due to my vegan views I haven’t tried this yet (it contains shark liver oil, which is said to work well for fading scars) –
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