Is it bad to drink alcohol before a surgery

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Yes it is bad. Stop drinking alcohol at least 2 days before surgery, and no liquids or food after midnight the night before.ChaCha [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Is it bad to drink alcohol before a surgery
Is it bad to drink alcohol before a surgery
Yes it is bad. Stop drinking alcohol at least 2 days before surgery, and no liquids or food after midnight the night before.ChaCha
Is it bad to drink alcohol or smoke marijuana the night before a …?
you really shouldn’t be out drinking prior to having this surgery. a little pot might not hurt, but you don’t want to wake up hungover in the morning dying to quench your thirst and then realizing that you cannot drink any liquids as the do…

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Q: I have the surgery tomoro at 11. All the doc said was no food or drinks after 12 tonite. So i was wondering if it would be ok to smoke or drink up til bout 10pm tonite?Thanks for the answers. The surgery went fine and marijuana did not have an effect at all, they did not even ask me about it. As far as the recovery, I guess I am lucky because there is hardly any pain unless I accidentally sniffle. The only problem I really have is that it is still bleeding.
A: you really shouldn’t be out drinking prior to having this surgery. a little pot might not hurt, but you don’t want to wake up hungover in the morning dying to quench your thirst and then realizing that you cannot drink any liquids as the doctor ordered…BTW, i’ve had this surgery and the recovery process was BRUTAL. They put so much packing up your nose that it will practically triple in can’t breathe thru your nose for a couple of days until they remove the packing. my nose bleed constantly for about 3 days afterwards. and FWIW the surgery really didn’t do much of anything for me. I STILL can’t breathe very well thru my nose…Have fun. I hope it goes better for you…
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A: It’s not a good idea. Alcohol, even moderately, acts as a blood thinner. This means you will bleed more and it will be harder to stop. If you’re planning on drinking the night before, it would be better to stop an hour or so earlier than twelve to ensure it is all out of your system in time for the surgery.
Drinking two days before wisdom teeth surgery?
Q: My birthday is on Saturday, September 19th, and I’m having a huge party. But today I went to the dentist September 17th, and they scheduled me Monday September 21st for my wisdom teeth to be removed. I’m going to be put to sleep and stuff through the IV medicine. I was wondering if it was okay to drink alcohol 2 days before surgery. The paper they gave me doesn’t say anything about drinking, except I can’t drink or eat anything after 12 on Sunday, 8 hours prior to surgery. Surgery is at 10 Monday morning.Is it bad to be drinking 2 days before wisdom teeth surgery? Or will it be okay if I do? It is my birthday!
A: You should have asked ur oral surgeon about this. But just to be safe to drinknig alcohol for 2 days b4 surgery. good luck with everything. and also happy belated birthday.
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