What age is it recommended to get laser eye surgery

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18 is the youngest age that you can get laser eye surgery at in the United States. Have a great day and ChaCha on! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-age-is-it-recommended-to-get-laser-eye-surgery ]
More Answers to “What age is it recommended to get laser eye surgery
What age is it recommended to get laser eye surgery
18 is the youngest age that you can get laser eye surgery at in the United States. Have a great day and ChaCha on!

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How did my eyesight get better?
Q: When I was 1 year old, I had poor, god-awful vision. I had to wear the thickest prescription that was available and the lenses had to be glass because plastic couldn’t be polished enough to be see through when that thick at the time. I was cross-eyed (this was corrected through laser surgery when I was 2 years old) and astigmatism. Through-out the years my eyesight slowly improved little by little. I was wearing glasses at age 18, but the prescription was off after wearing the eyeglasses for a year and I didn’t have insurance. I figured my eyesight wasn’t as horrible as it had once been so decided to do without glasses for awhile.Awhile turned out to be six years. Today I went to the optometrist and took an eye exam, the verdict came back: 20/20 in right eye with no imperfection and less than 20/25 in left eye. Since I am right eye dominate, glasses or any other corrective lenses were not recommended.After reading my history, the optometrist wanted to know what I had done formy eyes. I hadn’t done anything. They just got better.Anyone out there know how someone with astigmatism can just get over it?Note – Asking here because of a guaranteed response, the question is also posted in optical health, however, a response there is not guarnteed.
A: I had a friend who experienced a similar situation. She wore glasses(for not too horrible of a vision but bad enough for glasses), when she stopped wearing them (after some time) her eye sight was restored to perfect vision.
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